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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Hello and welcome to our MOBAFire Monthly Giveaway Raffle! Earning points is simple, just go about your normal MOBAFire activity! Write and update your guides, reply to your readers, or comment on other member's guides to accrue points and be entered in this month's raffle.

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
3061 pompa4dserver 2
3062 Popi99 Gacor 2
3063 Poppi Sama 2
3064 Poshadot 2
3066 pp88ae 2
3067 Preeedr04 2
3068 premierone 2
3069 premiersalon 2
3070 productkey 2
3072 prographx 2
3074 Protegod 2
3075 ProtonBits 2
3078 PsiGuard 2
3079 Punda06 2

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide