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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
1621 tambang88icu 4
1622 TeemoOnTren 4
1623 TerriHardy 4
1624 terrysscalf 4
1625 Thanat0s 4
1626 TheBellJar 4
1628 ThelpixG 4
1629 TheMoshi 4
1631 Tinjus 4
1632 tk88hey 4
1633 tonyjosh45 4
1634 top10rengar 4
1635 ToxicViking 4
1636 TribeZ 4
1637 TrickyMK27 4
1638 Trinitypearce 4
1639 tripzenia 4
1640 triwilda 4

League of Legends Champions:

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