Hey and Hello,

yesterday was a weird day - I lost almost all games I have played. Bad stars constelation maybe. But then came the evening and I met my buddy and said him:

"Hey man, wanna play ranked, duo que?" (we usualy play only 3vs3 ranked or 5vs5 normal - both with full team)

and he said:

"why not? Send me inv!"

And then we started and I get angry. Why? I pick my champ last, our "captain" (the one who bans) asked, what champs we want. I said I want Rammie and the rest said their choices. There was one "player" in our team, who instantly (faster than light) started to verbal harass, that I cant play him and bla bla bla. For explanation: I play Rammie in 90% of my 5vs5 games. The result of this "great player" was that he took him and I was thinking who I pick (dont forget I was last in our team to pick and last totally).

So far, our team was made like this:
- Sion (played by my buddy, he has over 750 win and > 1,2 WL ratio)
- Graves
- Xin Zhao
- Rammus (he was confident in his own skill, like 2500 ELO, maybe more)

OK, here comes my pick. I was very angry cause I cant play Rammie, so I said to myself. Ok, lets Troll! TOOK SORAKA!. I was thinking it couldnt be much worse. It was...

The game started. Rammus and Sion went top, Graves mid, me and Xin bot. Its neccesary to notice that I played about my third game with Soraka. We have played vs Nidalee solo bot and holded our line, scored two kills. Rammus played like idiot (sry for that). Exactly those players who you start to hate after 30 seconds of game. He played alone, no teamplay (rest of us sticked together, so we had chance), dying alone etc. You know what Im talking about.

We win in the end, but it was tough battle. My score was 4/5/24 - I guess not bad in ranked with Soraka :-)

The greatest battle we made was me and Xin. We were falling back from push from their base. My movement speed was 380 and that is deffinitely slow, so I started to pray for someone to help, because I was chased by Malphite, Nid and MF and THEN! Then my lane partner, Xin Zhao turned to protect his ***** Unicorn. He jumped into them with the sense of blood no matter he was outnumbered 3 vs 1. So I healed him with my W, used ulti to heal him again and he managed to kill TWO of them and in meantime I managed to run away. Important to say is I saved him three times before.

What items did I buy? And what masteries did I use?

I started with Red Crystal and Mana Potion.
First trip back was for Heart of Gold and Philosopher's stone and Boots.
Next time I finished Ionian Boots of Lucidity boots and started Catalyst the Protector
Next item was Rod of Ages and Rabadon's Deathcap and then...
then the game ended. My final earned gold was 11,7K , best of our team had 11,9 K and two of us were between these values. Tragic Rammus ended with 4K less. I managed to get those golds thanks to masteries, assist and two gold/10 secs items.

For masteries I used 9/0/21.