Champion Overview:

Janna is a supporty-Ap champion, Janna is fun to play and grants her team amazing utility. Janna has a strong lane phase as well as unconditionally will scale into late game. janna is strong as she can be run in many comps and brings alot to her team. She NEEDS a jungler who can deal out alot of physical damage when they gank to be effective.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Tailwind- Increases the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%. The bonus is lost when Janna is dead.
This passive is nice as it gives your team a movement speed boost (Which makes you constantly helping other lanes from top lane).

Q: Howling Gale- Janna summons a mighty whirlwind, which she can release to deal 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+75% of ability power) + 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (for each second it charges) magic damage to all targets in it's path, in addition to knocking them into the air for 0.8 seconds and an extra .1 second for each second charged. The damage done and distance traveled by the whirlwind also increases for each second it channels to a maximum of 3.
This skill is your CC and main farming ability. A fully charged gale can easily clear a minion wave with some AP. When your jungler comes to gank lock the enemy laner down with this spell.

W: Zephyr- Passive: Increases Janna's movement speed by 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 %, and allows her to move through units. Active: Janna launches her elemental at the target dealing 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, and slowing their movement speed by 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48 % for 4 seconds. Janna loses the passive benefit while Zephyr is on cooldown.
This skill makes you VERY SAFE and makes you VERY STRONG vs champions with no gap closer. This skill does insane poke and the slow is enough to let you back off after the harass, or chase the enemy down with your shielded autos.

E: Eye of the Storm- Janna shields her target, absorbing 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+90% of ability power) damage and buffs them, increasing their attack damage by 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50 for 5 seconds (can target Turrets) or until the shield is broken.
This skill is nice as it gives a shield as well as giving AD. You can use this on your jungler as he comes in to gank for more damage. This skill will allow you to trade really well in lane with your autos as well.

R: Monsoon- Janna knocks surrounding enemies back 875 units and channels healing winds, restoring 70 / 110 / 150 (+35% of ability power) health to nearby allies each second for 4 seconds.
This ultimate is AMAZING. This skill can sustain you, push enemies away, AND it has a high ratio to heal your team with later on.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Farm Janna (Max shield when teamfights start to happen)
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Kill Janna (When you want to kill people)

W-E-Q-(R whenever needed)



Kennen (You win in lane, and you prevent his ult in teamfights)
Galio (Blow away from his ultimate)
Udyr (Kite and poke all day)
Garen (You have to much mobility)
Darius (Ranged slows, knockback and mobility
Olaf (Dodge axes, poke him down)
Riven (You have mobility control)
Skarner (Cant reach you)

Yorick (Sustains your poke, and he pokes back hard)
Akali (Cant stop her at 6)
Poppy (Can farm safely to late game)
Nasus (peacefully farms)
Cho'Gath (Gets big)
Pantheon (Spear spam)

Playing AS/VS:

  • When you receive ganks it is your job to lock down targets and your junglers job to do damage.
  • get in front of an enemy trying to run and use your ultimate to shoot him back.
  • Even without many items you are still very useful to your team, if you fall behind just get gp/10s and wait until late game.
  • Use your ultimate as sustain if your team needs it on a push, you will get more out of the heal out of a fight then in it.
  • Remember where she sets up her Q the knockup will be coming from that area not where she is.
  • Wait to use an AoE ult until janna's ultimate is down.
  • Janna's CDs are low, just because you see her use a skill it does not mean it is safe to jump on her.
  • The best thing to do vs janna in lane is to buy gp/10s and farm

Big Item Choices::

Philosiphers Stone, Kage's lucky pick and Heart of Gold- Your safe in lane so these items are nice on you. They also build into useful items later on.

Rod of Ages- Makes you tanky, solves mana issues

Rabadon's Deathcap- Makes you get soooo much AP, especially with your passive when your low hp.

Deathfire Grasp- Cdr and with your burst combo amazing damage. If you rush this you can leblanc assassinate people.

Lich Bane - A finisher Item, makes your autos have a 1 AP ratio you use a skill



Janna top can do ok in SoloQ but it does not have much carry potential so it is not that good there.
Ranked 5s:

Janna excells here. Janna top allows you to run a protect the kogmaw comp or run a bot top switch.

,Pros and Cons:


-Always scales into late
-Good utility
-Safe Pick
-Strong passive or the team


-Low kill potential
-Lower damage then some other tops.
-Ultimate needs to be mastered in order to be effective.


This is my Top facts Janna. Janna is a very fun champion to play who is always useful to her team. Janna is a popular support pick, so when the enemies see Janna they will not think she is your top laner. Janna is overall a strong champion who brings a lot of CC and utility to her team. As always summoners I hope you have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice.

SERIES UPDATE: My top facts series is more then halfway done and my guide is essentially ready except for all the videos and the rest of the top facts. Also the format of this Facts is going to be the kind of format in the guide for every champion.