This is a facts on the NEW XIN ZHAO, that is on the PBE, not the Xin on actual servers. I am doing this as riot will probably not change Xin, and if they do then I will make changes accordingly. Xin was not orginially going to get a facts, due to how weak he was. The buffs actually made him a viable top lane so I decided I would make his after a few games experience on the PBE.The matchups section may not be fully accurate as I will be going (Mostly) with his old pre-nerfed matchups.

Champion Overview:

Xin Zhao is an AD champion that relies on enhancing his auto attacks to do most of his damage. Xin needs to "Chain" his abilities in the best possible way for every situation to make the most of his CC, his abilities, and his cooldowns. All of Xin's skills (Aside from his steroid W) inflict some sort of CC on the enemy.Playing Xin to his best efficiency is all about managing all of your skills and timings.

Skills Overview:

The coding probably won't work since he is in the PBE right now, But when he becomes launch the coding should appear xD.

Challenge- Xin Zhao challenges his target with his basic attacks and Audacious Charge, reducing its armor by 15% for 3 seconds.
This passive is good for duels. Its kayle's full passive, applied in 1 hit. I CHALLENGE YOU TO A D. D. D. D. DUEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

Three Talon Strike- Xin Zhao's next 3 basic attacks deal 15/30/45/60/75 (+120% AD) physical damage and reduce his other abilities' cooldowns by 1 second. The final strike also knocks the target into the air.
This skill is Xin's Main source of damage, and is a good source of spammable CC. Use your W then E into range. This skill will start getting the cooldowns on those down for use again.

Battle Cry- Passive: Xin Zhao heals himself for 26/32/38/44/50 (+70% Ap) every third basic attack. Active: Xin Zhao unleashes a battle cry, increasing his attack speed by 40/50/60/70/80% for 5 seconds.
This skill is a decent steroid for fighting, and in lane will be your main source of sustain. ALWAYS turn this on before you Q, as it will make the Q go faster thus your skills up faster.

Audacious Charge- Xin Zhao charges an enemy unit, dealing 70/115/160/205/250 (+60% of Ap) magic damage to all nearby enemies and slowing them by Increased to 25/30/35/40/45% for 1.5 seconds. This skill challenges the enemy targeted.
This skill is your gap closer. Whats special about this skill is that it also applies a SLOW. meaning that even if the enemy is running and you use this to close the gap, there will be a period of time the slow will allow you to stick to them even after the dash is over to allow you to get off your Q.

Crescent Sweep- Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep aroundhim that deals 125/225/325/30/20(+ 100% AD) plus 15% of target's current health in physical damage and knocks enemies back. Xin Zhao gains 15/20/25 Armor and Magic Resistance for 6 seconds for each champion hit. Challenge: If a challenged target is hit by the sweep, it is unaffected by the knockback.
This skill is BOSS! You run in challenge an enemy (Typically their squishy carry) challenge them to a duel and tell everyone else GTFO let me fight them. For every person you hit you gain armor and MR. A well placed ultimate can make you VERY tanky as well as making the enemy team all lose a nice chunk of their hp.


Skill Order:

Coding doesn't work to make the Xin skill level chart :(

Max R>Q>W>E

For Damage

Max R>W>Q>E

For Sustain


W-Q-E-(R for kill)



Cho'Gath (You can bully him hard early on and stop him from scaling).

Darius (If you manage your CDs and timings right you can easily beat him in a fight).

Galio (Ignore him and farm. Q if you think hes gonna ult.)

Gangplank (When he tries to pistol you just murder him.)

Hecarim (You can beat him in lane and your ultimate can counter his in teamfights.

Nidalee (You can sustain and you have better fighting power).

Rumble (Your damage destroys him early).

Shyvana (You win in an open end fight)

Skarner (You have a stronger fight power)

Singed (You can zone him early on with your damage)

Shen (Ignore him and farm, kill him if you feel you can).

Akali (Post 6 she can sit in her shroud and beat on you. If you can abuse her weak pre6 you can win this lane but it is hard.)

Fiora (She is strong vs AA reliant champions. Her damage out scales you early on due to her W AND she can block your Q hit.)

Garen (He has the zoning potential to shut you out of the game)

Irelia (She will buy armor, and you will be screwed.)

Jax (Dodges your whole Q combo -.-)

Kayle (Range and kite power)

Lee Sin (His cripple, cripples you)

Nasus (His AS slow will RAPE you if you do not beat him early on).

Malphite (Stacks armor).

Olaf (True damage spam)

Yorick (Ghoul spam)

Playing AS/VS:

  • Use your ultimate in a way to shoot squishies INTO your team and tankys AWAY from your team.
  • When receiving a gank walk behind the enemy and shoot them back with your ult. Use your Q as a followup.
  • You can "Charge" your Q by using 2 of its hits on a minion then Eing into the enemy for a knockup if you need it to receive a gank.
  • Get early armor vs xin and prevent him from using his early game strength.
  • Avoid clumping up, if Xin is able to hit your whole team with his ult and disposition anyone you will probably lose.
  • Xin has very strong early burst if you are squishy. Watch out.

Big Item Choices::

Trinity Force- All the stats and components work with Xin's kit.

Phantom Dancer- More AS for your Q and W.

Infinity Edge- Makes you a DPS monster.

Bloodthirster- Gives you sustain and damage.

Guardian Angel- Disencourages focus on you and makes you VERY strong with your sustain/burst combination.

Last Whisper- Buy when they stack armor.

Maw of Malmortius- A good item if you are laning vs an AP.

Wit's End- A VERY strong item if the enemy team has a decent amount of magic damage.

Youmuu's Ghostblade - Useful if you need a GP/5 item.



Xin is a MONSTER in soloQ. He has HUGE snowball potential and if he is allowed to get an early lead he can abuse it hard and carry the game.
Ranked 5s:

Xin can be used very well in team games BUT it is more about managing your CC.

Pros and Cons:


-Strong snowball ability
-High early damage
-Good amount of CC
-Strong source of AD damage if you do not have much on your team.
-Receives ganks well.


-Needs to snowball early to scale well into late game.
-If unmanaged, long cooldowns.
-Gets outscaled by some of the "Safer" champions.
-Doesn't scream DEMACIA!


This is my top facts Xin. I wanted to wait on this till actual release but I have been playing him and having alot of fun =3. I feel XIn will be in a decent place after the rework, Not OP but not worthless anymore. I feel like these were good steps in the right direction for Xin Zhao. As always summoners goold luck and have fun on the FIELDS OF JUSTICE! DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

SERIES UPDATE: My top facts series is more then halfway done and my guide is essentially ready except for all the videos and the rest of the top facts. Also the format of this Facts is going to be the kind of format in the guide for every champion.