Champion Overview:

Tryndamere is a strong AD melee champion who uses the rage system. He has sustain as well as the ability to wreck enemies if he is at low hp. Tryndamere has a very good carry ability in unorganized games and can hard carry a team.

Skills Overview:

Battle Fury- Tryndamere gains 5 Fury for striking a unit or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 extra Fury for killing a unit. Each point of Fury grants +.35% Critical Chance.
This passive makes Tryndamere VERY STRONG with a full fury gauge. I will forgoe using my heal to keep this passive up at times,

Bloodlust- Passive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Attack Damage plus 0.15 / 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.35 per 1% Health missing. Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 Health (+150% of ability power), plus 0.5 / 0.95 / 1.4 / 1.85 / 2.3 Health per Fury consumed.
The passive on this ability makes you VERY SCARY at low hp, while the active acts as your sustain.

Mocking Shout- Decreases surrounding champions' physical damage by 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80, and enemies with their backs turned also have their movement speed slowed by 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60%. Lasts 4 seconds.
This skill WRECKS AD tops and allows you to chase very well.

Spinning Slash- Active: Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+100% of ability power) (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to enemies in his path. Spinning Slash's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds whenever Tryndamere critically strikes.
This is your "Blink" ability, its good for chasing and escaping.

Undying Rage- Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for 5 seconds, refusing to be reduced below 1 Health and instantly gaining 50 / 75 / 100 Fury.
This skill is the centerpiece of tryndamere. Immune to death for 5 seconds THE POSSIBILITIES. Amazing for dives, teamfights, and duels.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Sustainy damage lane.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

The I want to be an *** and make you have 0 CS when you need to last hit lane.

E-(W when they start to run or commit a fight if AD)-(R if you are going to die)-(Q after ult)



Darius (Better commited fight)

Akali (Get vision ward and kill her in her shroud.)

Garen (He can beat you up early, but as the lane goes on you win.)

Yorick (You can sustain off his ghouls)

Wukong (Froce trades and outsustain him.)

Nasus (He can't stop your farm ability, and lategame hes forced to whither you over your teams carry.)

Jax (Dodges all your autos.)

Teemo (Blinds you.)

Malphite (Attack speed slow and doesn't die.)

Singed (Can't chase singed)

Kayle (She has range and can easily kite you.)

Playing AS/VS:

  • Keep your fury bar up as much as possible, its the difference between you being weak and strong.
  • Only use your Q to heal if you are about to die OR your rage has started to decay.
  • Do not INITIATE the fight, you need to come in after the initial bursts are done and sort of clean up.
  • Be aggressive against a tryndamere with no rage.
  • Build a chain vest early to make you very durable vs his damage.
  • Frozen heart will kill tryndamere's damage output lategame.

Big Item Choices::

Bloodthirster- More Sustain and Damage.

Last Whisper-Armor Pen for late game.

Youmuu's Ghostblade -attack speed crit ,dmg, and cdr. It also has an active that is the same as a master yi ult but without the immunity to slows.

Maw of Malmortius- A good item if you are laning vs an AP. Works very well with the rest of your kit.

Phantom Dancer- More AS, crit, and Ms.

Infinity Edge- Crit, Damage, AND CRIT DAMAGE INCREASE. You will crit so oftenand hit so hard.

Wit's End- A VERY strong item if the enemy team has a decent amount of magic damage.



Tryndamere is strong soloQ due to his ultimate and his very high damage.
Ranked 5s:

Tryndamere is not as strong in a ranked 5s as he does not fit well into many organized comps.

Pros and Cons:


-High damage
-Good Sustain
-Doesn't use mana.
-Strong ultimate to allow him to build all damage.


-No Hard CC
-Hard to place in comps
-Weak without rage


This was top facts tryndamere. Tryndamere is a very strong champion with the ability to carry games. Tryndamere is fun to play and is fairly cheap in IP if you want to try him. As always summoners have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice!

SERIES UPDATE: Guide release will be soon. =D