Champion Overview:

Garen is a tanky Dps champion with a dominant early game that can completely shut out some champions. Garen is the original champions to possess Spin 2 Win which is his trademark skill. Garen likes brushes as if he is in them and the enemy walks in he can typically burst them down and kill them. Garen does have a falloff lategame, but the falloff can be somewhat mitigated IF Garen builds right. Garen is relatively low skill cap and can deliver good results (Even without runes) so he is the champion I would recommend for new players trying to learn top lane.

Skills Overview:

Perseverance- Garen regenerates 0.5% of his maximum health per second after not receiving damage for 7 seconds. The regenerative state will stop if Garen receives damage.
This will act as you sustain in lane. This passive is a threat of sorts as it states "Come in range and stop this or I will heal". This will force the enemy to either: A. Use a ranged move on you to knock it out, B. Come up and try a trade with you to turn it off, or C.Let you sustain your hp back.

Decisive Strike- Garen gains 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 % movement speed for 4 seconds. His next melee attack within 6 seconds will deal 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+1.4 per attack damage) physical damage and silence his target for 2.5 seconds.
An on next hit silence that does decent damage, the primary use of this skill is to use before you spin so that enemies cannot use their blink/escape ability to get away from you.

Courage- (Passive): Garen's armor and magic resistance are permanently increased by 0.5 every time he kills an enemy unit (maximum 25 additional armor and magic resist).(Active): Garen places a defensive shield on himself, decreasing all damage taken by 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 % for 3 seconds.
The passive on this skill is REALLY strong, it allows you to get 2 rune pages of flat armor and MRs worth of runes after just 50 cs. The active on this ability allows you to be able to build some damage items and still be extremely tanky in endgame teamfights.

Judgment- Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body for 3 seconds, removing all existing slows and reducing the duration of new slows by 50%, and dealing 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+0.7 per bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies every half second. Garen can deactivate Judgement early by activating the ability again after 0.5 seconds. Garen cannot use Decisive Strike or Demacian Justice while Judgement is in effect. Damage to minions and neutral monsters is reduced by 50%. Judgment's damage can critically strike, in which case, only the bonus damage will be multiplied.
SPIN 2 WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This skill is your main damage source, it acts as a cleanse from slows as well as your main damage tool. This skill can crit too, you will know when it does as you will hear a sound and a small sword will appear on the enemy.

Demacian Justice- Garen brings down Demacian Justice on his opponent, dealing 175 / 350 / 525 magic damage plus 1 additional damage per 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 health his opponent is missing.
This skill is your KO move. When an enemy gets below 40% hp use this and you will probably kill them. This skill does MORE DAMAGE based on the enemies hp missing so building hp DOES NOT counter this skill. It also does magic damage, so the enemy will not be able to build against it or they will be destroyed by your physical damage.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Max vs standard enemies.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Max vs enemies who you will not be able to spin on and will only have time for 1 hit.

Q-E-(W when you start taking damage)-(R to K.O.)



Akali (Sit in her circle and spin -Puts on shades- to win)

Nasus (Zone him hard)

Riven (She can't beat you in an upfront fight in lane.)

Renekton (Your spin keeps going his stops. Hue)


Irelia (better nerf irelia, she gets zoned by Garen.)

Wukong (Spin when he decoys, yours is low cooldown his is not =D)

Rumble (If he gets close hes dead.)

Skarner (Just spin b4 he trie to pull you, he will kill himself.)

Xin Zhao (You stop his early snowball and screw him over.)

Teemo (Ranged)

Yorick (Poke and sustain all day.)

Kennen (Ranged)

Udyr (Tiger out trades you.)

Nidalee (Ranged and safe.)

Jayce (Ranged, if you make it close he kncoks you back.)

Olaf (True damage spam)

Malphite (Rock solid, takes no damage. YOU WILL LOSE!)

Kayle (Ranged and can kite)

Janna (A good janna will poke and kite you ALL DAY EVRY DAY)

Playing AS/VS:

  • If you cast ult while you in your spin and do not click anything afterwards, you will ult the target you clicked.
  • Building crit gives you a decent damage increase.
  • the brush is your best friend.
  • Avoid brushes.
  • Stack armor to live in lane.
  • Do not underestimate garens burst with his ult.
  • The best time to fight Garen is when his spin is down.

Big Item Choices::

Trinity Force- Despite none of the sheen stats helping you this items overall utility is AMAZING.

Phantom Dancer- More AS, crit, and Ms. Makes your spin good for chasing and critting.

Infinity Edge- Crit, Damage, as well as a damage increase on your crits.

Bloodthirster- More Sustain and Damage.

Last Whisper-Armor Pen if the enemies stack armor.

Maw of Malmortius- Strong item vs an ap laner.

Yomuu's Ghostblade- The bruta gives you CDR in lane. The full item gives you crit for your spin and an active for chasing and fighting.



Garen is a good pub stomper in soloQ games as he can deny and zone alot of early game champions.
Ranked 5s:

Garen is not as strong in ranked 5s as he does not really fit into any of the current meta team comps.

Pros and Cons:


-High early damage
-Spin 2 Win
-Can shut down champions with weak early games and keep them out of the game.
-No mana


-Weak to kite
-Doesn't scale insanely hard
-Hard to place on a team
-No hard CC


This is top facts Garen. Garen is a fun easy to use champion that is cheap and easy to use for new players beginning top lane. Garen has insane early damage and can win a game early on for his team by denying his enemies. As always summoners have fun and good luck on the fields of justice!

SERIES UPDATE: Guide release will be soon. =D