Making this to add to my complete top lane guide.

I've been play alot of random stuff recently and had some fun playing twitch top, so I figured what the heck I will make a facts for it.

Champion Overview:

Twitch is an AD ranged carry capable of dealing sick AoE damage. Twitch is a good top laner as he is ranged, can use stealth as an escape, and will scale very well. Twitch is not strong against champions who can gap close and burst on low cooldown, he will be at a disadvantage against these types of matchups. Twitch is very good at pushing and roaming however and I find this more than makes up for his weakness.

Skills Overview:

Deadly Venom- Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 true damage every second for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times.
This passive is very nice for adding some extra damage to your auto attacks and making your harass as a ranged carry in top lane even better.

Ambush- After 1.25 seconds, Twitch becomes invisible for 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds. While stealthed, Twitch gains 20% movement speed. If Twitch attacks a unit while Stealthed, he gains 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 % attack speed for 5 seconds.
This skill is twitches ganking move and his primary escape, it is essentially a Rengar ultimate that also doubles as his steroid when he appears. If you are hit during this skills channel time you will not stealth for another second or so. I like to roam mid with this skill and get free kills if the enemy mid doesn't have a good escape spell.

Venom Cask- Twitch hurls a cask of venom that explodes in an area, adding 2 stacks of Deadly Venom, and slowing targets hit by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 % for 3 seconds.
This skill is your slow as well as a good way of applying some deadly venom to your enemy to keep stacks up/harass.

Expunge- Deals 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 physical damage to enemies infected with Deadly Venom. Expunge deals an additional 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+0.2 per ability power) (+0.25 per bonus attack damage) physical damage per stack of Deadly Venom on them.
This skill is your main damage in lane and makes your harass as a ranged champion MUCH better.

Spray and Pray- For 7 seconds Twitch gains 300 attack range, bonus 20 / 28 / 36 attack damage and his basic attacks become piercing bolts that deal 20% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of 40% damage.
This skill is useful for skirmishes and teamfights, it can also be used to instaclear a wave of minions should you really need to do so.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

(R to go for kill)- W- auto for stacks- E at full stacks

General Matchups:

Strong Vs

Shen- Bully him in lane, push to his tower and gank. He has low clear speeds and cant send it back fast, if he ults he misses farm.

Garen- He cant reach you.

Singed- You dont need to chase him to hit him from afar.

Olaf- Avoid the axes and stealth when he ults.

Cho'Gath- Poke him out of lane.

Weak Vs

Fiora- 2 gap closers and burst.


Elise- She can trade from a ranged and follow it up in close ranged to go for the kill.

Irelia- Gap closer and alot of damage.

Pantheon- Blocks your autos, spears, and jumps on you.

Twitch top gameplay

Playing AS/VS:

  • Push and gank for your allies as if you were rengar.
  • If an enemy jungler comes for a gank retreat to a brush to allow your stealth channel time.
  • Try and keep max stacks on an enemy at all times and reapply before it fades.
  • Jump on twitch as often as possible, he is squishy and cannot react well.
  • Do not clump if the enemy team has a twitch
  • If twitch pushes up his lane, it means he probably wants to go roaming.

Big Item Choices::

Infinity Edge- This item makes your damage SKYROCKET its just insane.

Phantom Dancer- MS, Crit chance, AND AS. This item makes your ultimate godmode.


Last Whisper or Bleack Cleaver- Penetration item

Guardian Angel- Everyone deserves a second chance at life, especially a heavy damage mass murdering rat.

Quicksilver Sash- This item allows you to not be gimped by an enemy CC

Trinity Force- This item isnt ideal, but if you need some kiting power it can actually be a good item on you.



Twitch is a good champion in top lane due to his ability to gank mid and snowball both himself and the mid laner.
Ranked 5s:

Twitch works amazingly well in ranked 5s as a heavy damage AD carry to help your team in the late game. Twitch works well with a "Win lane carry" like draven or Ezreal who will fall off as he can make up for their falloffs.

Pros and Cons:


-Decent escape.
-Good roam.
-Good scaling.


-Weak to burst.
-Requires decent positioning.


This was my Top Facts Twitch, twitch is a very fun and good situational top lane pick. I recommend anyone who wants to have some fun and snowball a game to a victory to try some twitch top. I hope you all enjoyed this look at top lane twitch as always summoners have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice!