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Booshido's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Nami

13 Dec
First of all with the runes

Greater Mark of Destruction: +1.0 Armor Penetration/+.57 Magic Penetration, 820 IP
Greater Seal of Endurance: +0.5% Health, 820 IP
Greater Seal of Avarice: +0.25 gold/10 sec, 410 IP
Greater Quintessence of Destruction: +2.0 Armor Penetration/+1.13 Magic Penetration, 2050 IP
Greater Quintessence of Vampirism: +2% Lifesteal, 2050 IP
Greater Quintessence of Endurance: +1.5% increased health, 2050 IP
Greater Quintessence of Transmutation: +2% Spellvamp, 2050 IP

here are some stats i found on reddit

"Health % seals break...
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