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Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"what? i don't really care about reputation. but thanks."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"unless she's a yordle.
actually i would find that quite hilarious."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"why is janna so overrated my god."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"yeah. i was like ok i'll read this. then i saw the long post and the post by the second guy saying he was in page 3. :("
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"i don't really think crit kass is viable at all. it just doesn't seem to be worth it versus a "normal" ad build."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"i said more noob friendly. im not saying that anyone can pick up and play kassadin right off the bat, im just saying hes easier to play as ap than an ad.
i used to play kass a while back and i agree that he is a harder champion to learn and master."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"kassadin was made to be an AD. but his ratios were so good people built him ap (kinda like sion, lol.)
champions change rolls all the time, ap kass is just more "noob-friendly" as he can riftwalk in, q e, then riftwalk out."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"full banshees? i've seen it go bothways with a whopping 10 banshees. yes everyone had one.
but when we have double teemo along with some heavy cc it would be suicide to not get either of them."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2011
"so... why the ninja tabi? you shoulda went with sorcerer's shoes or something like that."