Patch 4.9 notes have been announced and they bring some news about the most deadly bug in the whole world: Kha'Zix. His Q, W and R suffered some significal changes, and now, the raping bug is different.

Let's see the main changes:

Q: Isolated target's damage reduced (from 45% to 30%). Main damage reduced (from 70/100/130/160/190 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) to 55/80/105/130/155 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)).

However evolving Q now deals more damage to isolated targets (10x champion lvl (+1.06 bonus attack damage)) but no longer deals damage based on enemy missing health.

I saw this change coming. Seriously. When isolation range was changed, I started shaking with the tough of the changes that were coming. But, after reading the patch notes, I tough that maybe this isn't that much of a nerf like you can read on the forums out there. Kha'Zix Q damage was too high late game, he could instadelete adc's. That I can handle. But now you should be more careful entering fights and seem like Kha is back to his original role - a full on assassin - and not the present role - an assassin tank that kills the carries while still taking loads of damage and survive. In my opinion, this change in his Q opens, MAYBE, the possibility of Kha'Zix bruiser mid.
This would be a perfect change IF they reduced some of the isolation range/took the fact that towers count as allies and not proc the isolation target.

W: Now deals more damage to monsters. When evolved, if it hits an enemy champion, it reveals their location to Kha'Zix, and the slow is increased to 50%.

The most interesting change in all of Kha'Zix changes. The increase in W damage to monsters is great to jungle Kha, but, the fact that the heal is not increased (since it's a base heal, only increased by AP) makes me kinda sad. The evolved spikes are now better than before, because of the vision it grants and the adittional slow makes the chase better for Kha. I don't know how to feel about this ability now overall. Before the skills to evolve were easy to choose: Q for the increased damage, E for the resets and R for the damage reduction and extra invisibilty. Now that evolved W has an increased slow and it reveals an champion if it hits him, it will be interessing to see what ability the players will evolve first and at what level. If the heal was increased in evolved spikes, I would consider this an good change, but this is still good nonetheless.

R: No longer grants the damage reduction.

I don't like this one at all. The damage reduction was one of the reasons I liked Kha'Zix ult, and it was fine to me after the last change they made. If it remained unchanged, or the damage reduction was nerfed, Kha'Zix, in my opinion, would become pretty balanced, because the changes on Q made him not as much of a threath in teamfights and more of a duelist 1 vs 1, and R could become very hopefull on soaking some of the damage (of LeBlanc, for example. -> F this champion). This clear nerf was, in my vision, unnecessary. But this does not mean that his ult is useless. You can use it to win a duel, but you better have some resistances now, or you will be dead before you can devour their bones.

So after all of this, the question remains: Is Kha'Zix dead? Or is balanced now?

In my sincere opinion? No, Kha'Zix is not dead. He is now more hard to play (and I like that) but he can still be a threat if you catch someone isolated, and most important, if you play him right. Like I mencioned before, I think this changes can open the way to Kha bruiser mid, instead of the carry jungler that was prior to this patch. His assassination skills are still good, and you can like to play like that or not. Personally, I like it, and I will play it no matter what.

Now that I sayed my opinion, tell me yours. Do you think that Kha is dead or now is balanced and will see the light out of the auto-ban list?