So my friends and I are bum-rushing TT for faster IP XD

Bum-rushing is going into an intermed bot game in TT with 3 ADCs and blasting your way through bottom lane. We can end the game between 5:30 and 7:00 at our skill level and no prep, and we get 28 IP for a beginner game. It should be ~40 for an intermediate.

So far, what we've learned is that you want champions who have AoEs that scale with AD. The problem is our best choices for that (with the three of us; the fourth person has good champs for this) are Ashe and Graves. I'm currently using Tristana, though I'm going to buy Sivir. I'm also finally getting AD runes because of this XD

The ideal runepage is AD Quints, armor seals, FLAT magic resist glyphs, and AD marks. I have the seals, one quint (using two gold quints as filler), scaling MR glyphs, 5 HPen marks, and 4 AD marks. So I'm working on it still.

My current specs are 21/9/0, taking Destruction in offense and nothing towards crit strike or AP, and getting more points in the MR skill in defense tree.

My summoner spells are Heal and Teleport. Heal because sustain and Teleport to get back to the enemy base ASAP when I die/recall. Flash is not that useful when there are minions everywhere, and there's not enough time to take advantage of Ignite and Exhaust. I wish we still had Surge :(

Our starting items are Ichor of Rage + 9x Health Potion, and then build attack speed ( Recurve Bow Runaan's Hurricane) from there.