"First time" rune pages

As soon as you get to level 20, you can aim towards your first two rune pages: One for AP and one for AD. They're both made with discount runes and share the same glyphs/marks/seals. They are decent for normal play but suffer from a couple of problems I listed below them. If you are focused on playing ranked and already know what roles you'll play the most, check the role-specific rune pages.

your first two rune pages

Role-specific rune pages

Before starting to play ranked, you should have at least 4 rune pages slightly optimised for your 2 main roles (2 for each role should be enough as a start). Remember that every year there are at least 2 instances of 2x1 rune pages. ONLY BUY RUNE PAGES DURING 2X1 OFFERS, it's even cheaper than the 7 pages bundle.

I'll list what I think are some all around good pages for each role. Every particular champion build might have a more optimal page than the ones I list here, but unfortunately we have limited rune pages so we should aim to role-specific pages as opposed to champion-specific pages. Once you find a main you can dedicate 1 or 2 pages to them, optimising as much as you can for each of their roles. The runes I'll list here are also all around useful and will appear in most specific pages anyways.

ADC oriented pages

support oriented pages

AP solo laner oriented pages

Tanky solo laner oriented pages

AD solo laner oriented pages

Jungle oriented pages

Any feedback or suggestions will be appreciated. Ask any doubts in the comment section!