Hello everyone!

Lately I was talking with my friend about trinkets, and that how I was dissapointed, that I (support), have to take Oracle's Lens all the time.

At first, I was pleased with the idea of trinkets. Can you imagine, that you can take warding trinket and therefore you can dump that stupid Ruby Sightstone, and use your 6th free slot for some useful AP/AR/MR item to be either stronger or to have more sustain in team-fights?

This wonderful dream was shattered when I learned, that support is suposed to take Oracle's Lens and destroy enemy wards throughout the game.

But yesterday I finally found a solution for this problem. My friend admited, that after laning phase he always forget to put wards around the map (so I called him bronze noob, as he is Bronze 1 and hates that :D). I came up with a solution - when we pay together, he gets the Oracle's Lens and I will take Greater Stealth Totem. Like this, we won't lose Lens and I can finally free one slot in the inventory. Genial masterplan just begged for a trial. So we played a troll pick game.. sry - blind pick game. After I got my trinket upgraded, there was only one word left to say: SERIOUSLY?

Just read that demented description again:
  • UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (120 second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

So basically - I can place 1 ward that lasts for 3 minutes, and then I am supposed to wait another 2 minutes to place the other ward? Am I the only one who think this is ******ed?

Just an example from yesterday: I warded dragon. Then I had 2 minutes to get to the baron and place another ward over there. Since I timed it precisely, I placed the 2nd ward exactly when that trinket went off cooldown - for whole 1 minute I was warding 2 objectives. After that I was again with just 1 ward placed in game and had another 1 whole minute to decide what to ward next.

It was outrageous and I sold that useless piece of ***** after having it for about 5 minutes.


I find this trinket totally useless for a support, and when playing this role, you just have to stay with ye good ole Ruby Sightstone, and this new warding trinket stuff is not much of a help for us.

They can make this trinket usable by lowering its cooldown to 30 seconds. Otherwise - they can stick it... somewhere safe.

And for tomorrow, I would like to discuss trinket composition for a team. So, play some League till then and see you soon!! ;)