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Inquisitor_Kane's Mobafire Blog - Tag: team

06 Mar

Views: 2177 team

Hello everybody!

So the live beta test of Team Builder was on, and I did get a chance to try it out. Unfortunately just one day, as I thought it will continue today, and, well.. it's not. :D

So no screenshots, as I did not do a single one yesterday :(

I tried it as a freelancer and as a captain, and I must say: Team Builder is a Blind Pick mode finally made playable.


It's great. You just pick the champion you want to play, role and lane you want, put on your summoner spells, rune page and masteries page,...
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11 Jan

Views: 850 team

Hello everyone!

As I promised in my last post, I would like to share my thoughts about how the trinket composition should looks like in a team. And as always, any of your ideas are more than welcome.

Btw. this post is mainly for teams and players, that DO think map vision is important, that DO know "warding is for supports only" is stupid, Paper league logic principle, and who DO buy wards throughout the game :)

So I gave it a thought lately...

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01 Nov

Views: 1676 team

Hello everyone!

Lately I started to play a bit of PvP, since I feel that bots have nothing more to teach me and I would like to see how other people play the game. You know, just to get the feeling. And I encountered strange... "condition" of mine while playing those few matches and wonder, if there is more players like me, with similar (or even the same) problem. Here it goes:

Usually I have no problem when fighting 1v1, 1v2 or even 1v3. I mean - no mental problem. I am excited (either about to get the kill, or - if it's the other way round - to get...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide