Hello everyone!

As I promised in my last post, I would like to share my thoughts about how the trinket composition should looks like in a team. And as always, any of your ideas are more than welcome.

Btw. this post is mainly for teams and players, that DO think map vision is important, that DO know "warding is for supports only" is stupid, Paper league logic principle, and who DO buy wards throughout the game :)

So I gave it a thought lately...

Top lane - Stealth Ward
Jungle - Sweeping Lens
Mid lane - Stealth Ward
ADC - Stealth Ward
Support - Stealth Ward
LVL 9+
Top lane - Greater Stealth Totem
Jungle - Oracle's Lens
Mid lane - Greater Vision Totem
ADC - Greater Stealth Totem
Support - Oracle's Lens


2x Oracle's Lens: It has 1 min cooldown. If used synchronised (obviously usable only in 5 premade composition), you can sweep important areas each minute, which is very good and can change the tide of "vision war" greatly. Also it lasts for 8 sec, so you can cast it on one place, then run around to another important spot to reveal another ward (if it is there). In 8 seconds you can cover quite a spot.

HINT: if you have this trinket, reveal the ward, but let the others kill it. You lose 10-30 gold but fcuk it. Run around to other important place (that is close by) and if you find another ward, then you can clean 2 wards at the time and still got some pocket money ;)

2x Greater Stealth Totem: there is never enough wards on the map. Like this (let's presume your support is not ******ed and already has at least a Sightstone), you cna have minimum of 5 wards placed in game permanently, which is great. Dragon, Baron, 2 buffs (or important places where you can see possible roamers/jungle invaders/Johnny Rambos) and one deep in enemy jungle. Perfect.

HINT: Everybody (except support) should from time to time buy a Stealth Ward and place it somewhere. The maximum number of wards at the time is 15, which is still insane number. Ofc enemy will destroy your wards, but if you can keep about 5-8 wards alive all the time, you pretty much win the game cause you know exactly, where the enemy is.

1x Greater Vision Totem: nowadays pinkies are permanent, but visible. And buying them is what usually supports do, so this one is just like bonus, to help your support out. You know - he can't be everywhere at all times, so if someone else carries this for him, it is always profitable for whole team. I think 1 trinket like this is jsut enough, as these wards gets destroyed at sight and you can place only 1 at the time, therefore having more of these trinkets would just blinds you because those wards would be down all the time.

HINT: When playing solo/duo just look at the trinket composition. Not many people buys this trinket so if you are an ADC and nobody got this, you get it. It is your duty as the obviously only person with a brains for trinkets :P

Also don't forget to buy classic Vision Ward from time to time, it can help a lot. This goes for all team roles.


TOP + MID LANE: Actually, here I think it doesn't matter who takes which trinket. I assigned the Greater Vision Totem to the mid laner just because I feel like he is more mobile and more of a roamer than top. If in your 5 man team it is not like this, let the top laner get it. He should be tanky enough to go someplace alone just to place the ward.

HINT: In solo/duo, just look at the trinket the other guy is getting. When they do upgrade it for money, then you get "the other one". Or ask him, it works as well :D

JUNGLER: This one is obvious. Jungler is always on the roam, visits places other roles usually don't.. so he is like 1st class vision denyer (is that a word? :D). And he has to know he is not waiting for gank in warded bush. With reduced cooldown on Sweeping Lens it is viable as a starting trinket, and I talked about greatnes of the money-upgraded version already.

HINT: some junglers tend to start with Stealth Ward, but I find it useless. All laners should ward gank routes for themselves at the very begining, and placing 1 min ward into enemy jungle is pointless. Unless you're lucky, you just waste that ward without getting any info, and you may hurt your laners by standing in warded bush without knowing it. And you can get that Stealth Ward after you recall.

ADC: This trinket is important, because support can't ward everything. And since it's common practice that ADC goes solo farming on an abandoned line, it is important to stay safe and ward any possible ambush places, to stay alive.

HINT: Always place a ward, when the trinket is off cooldown. It can save ***es. You are an ADC - the dmage machine. But don't be selfish and put that ward in place ;)

SUPPORT: Another Captain Obvious. Support usually has plenty of time (if your team is not a suicidal bunch, then you have no time to breathe :D) to use this trinket and destroy enemy wards, so no more need to explain. And team needs 2 oracles. No argument about that.

HINT: Don't wait for lvl 9 to switch your trinkets. I personally get the lens the moment I buy my Sightstone. It is loaded with 4 wards that lasts for 3 minutes. No more need for ****ty 1 min ward.

I really think this trinket composition is very strong and can win you the batlle of vision over the map. Just don't forget to buy Stealth Ward and Vision Ward every now and then and the map is yours.

If this helped you and you tried it in game and it worked, I am glad and would love to hear about it. If not, or you have better ideas, please use the comment section.

See you soon, mates!! :)