Welp, hey all. I was extremely nervous coming back to see the comments on my first blog and I was completely surprised to see the positive comments and support from people I do know, and from complete strangers who only just joined MobaFire! Thank you all so much :)

There is some good news, some bad news and some okay news.

Let's go from good to bad.

The Good: Woke up super early, eager to buy a juicer. Hit Queen Street, checked in at Big W, Harvey Norman and Target; ended up buying a $70 juicer that is not so big that it needs it's own cupboard, but big enough to hold a kilo of pulp.

So when I got home I stepped right to it, making a Green Juice:

3-4 kale leaves
1 carrot
1 apple
2 handfuls of spinach leaves

Now, I was surprised how much pulp this made in comparison to juice. If you're thinking that this much fruit and veg will make 500ml of liquid, you're wrong. In fact, this amount of produce only makes around 200mls of juice. That is extremely low and not cost effective at all. So if you don't have money to do this, or access to cheap fruit and veg, it's going to be very hard for you to commit to this sort of grocery list.

So, made it at the same time as figuring out how the juicer worked. Was quite fun and was about all done in around 10-15 minutes (was quicker the second time). Best part was, the juice taste was completely unexpected. I have tried a "Green Smoothie" diet before, wherein you blend a lot greens together with ice - it's horrid, the texture is just bleugh. But juicing... I guess when you think about it, it makes sense that it's JUICE. But yeah, really nice, clean tasting juice. The apple really sweetens things up.

The Okay: The juice filled me up for about... 30 minutes and actually made me very tired (or due to the fact that I woke up early, who knows). So instead of listening to my stomach rumble, I went back to bed for a good three hours o.o Now, I don't have any school at the moment until late Feb, so I can spend my days however I please. But 3ish hours sleep in the middle of the day was weird.

When I woke up, I woke up instantly. It was as if hadn't even been asleep. My eyesight seemed clearer and my thought processes clean. When I got up to go to the toilet, I felt as if I was speed walking, like walking faster than usual without expending as much energy. Was this a result of the juice???

I was eager to make another juice, Carrot Juice:

3 carrots
1 apple

This was delicious. It is a very winning combination and I really quite liked it. I also drank a lot of water to make up for the fact that I only got 300mls from the produce.

The Bad: And this is where it all went downhill. After finishing my carrot juice and chugging down water, I felt nauseous. My stomach was really upset. I didn't know what was going on. I quickly went to lay down and covered my eyes, but my stomach kept churning. Was it the juice? Why did I feel so sick?

I rushed to the bathroom, got in the shower and only just managed to turn on the water before I threw up my carrot juice. In the first heave, I got rid of most of the juice and it was very orange. In the second heave, a ****-tonne of water came out. I'm not even kidding. It was as if the two liquids had separated in my stomach. I have never thrown up water before. Let me recap. First heave, orange. Second heave, clear. It was very very odd and I wasn't very happy.


tl;dr > Juicing is fun, but apparently has drawbacks. I'm still not certain why my stomach rejected that batch of juice.

Starting Weight: 89kg
Day Two Weight: 88kg

We joked that maybe the secret to juicing was bulimia 8D

rofl. No, but seriously. I'll keep at it. We'll see how dinner plays out and what tomorrow brings. Wish me luck!