Whelp. I've "officially" given up on LoL. I won't play another ranked game until:

a) The Australasian servers come up
b) 3 months pass and I need to play one ranked game to stay in Gold V

Whichever comes first.

Why have I made this decision? I am not playing well. And my last game decided it. Every single time Hecarim came to gank bot lane, I'd walk up to him and stun him, as Taric. But due to my ping, Taric's stun travel time (even though I was right next to Hec each time) and Hec's ult cast time, Hec's ult still always went though, meaning Vayne would get smashed by it.

This pisses me off.

Just to give you guys an idea of what I play with every day:

That's 220 ping. I constantly play at 250-280 ping. Ranked, customs, bots, normals. Always at around 250 ping. And I honestly think it's hurting my reaction time. 200 ping is the difference between being able to Flash away after a stun, or dying. I love watching pro play because people constantly escape; on my end, it's impossible.

You can't Alistar headbutt-knock up combo. You can't detonate Gragas barrels, or Lux pools instantly. You literally have to Smite contested baron/dragon/buffs early and hope for the best.

It's hard to last hit. It's hard to land skill shots. It's hard to clutch anything.

How do I know? Because I've played Dota2 on the Aus servers with 25 ping. 25 ping. It's incredible, everything is so responsive. It's a shame that Dota2 has so many outdated mechanics, like orb effects, and that snowballing in Dota2 ends games - otherwise I may even switch to Dota2 for the PING.

So. I give up League until we get Aussie servers. Maybe I'll change my mind two days from now. Maybe I will pick it up again after a week of stressing over university assignments, and just want to muck around in an ARAM.

But for now, just giving y'all a heads up, no more LoL for me.

<3 jhoijhoilion