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mastrer1000's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (135)
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mastrer1000's Mobafire Blog

06 Aug
Hi everyone!

There are prohably like 2 people who read it, but I posted in the official pcmr thread that I would be moving in a couple of weeks.

I will be studying business informatics in Wernigerode, which is a pretty small town in Germany(~35k people).
it is a really nice place

and even has a castle

[spoiler=really nice includes the campus...
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31 Oct
to make it short, i will take a break from mobafire because school and stuff.
i don't know yet when i'll be back, prohably in a month or something like that.
i might still post a little bit, but i'll be less active, if at all, so goodbye to everyone :3
@banana and janitsu why did you tell everyone that you will stop your halloween joke? it has ruined the surprise when you change it back :D
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15 Oct

Views: 5135 Role queues
tl,dr: There will be a feature called "team builder" on pbe soon. you pick a role before queing, so that there will be no fights in champ selects. it also takes you mmr on certain roles into account, so for example if you are a jungle main and want to learn adc then the system takes this into account.
i really love this. i will use the **** out of it.
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22 Aug
F*ck my life, i have to make annother blog just because i have 1000 posts. how great. I am so motivated that i could kill myself. and i forgot my reddit password( i obviously have not given them my e-mail, so i can't reset it), which makes my mood even better.

Damn, i think it would be better if i acted like i would be happy or something.

Ok, serious mode on.

Thank you guys for being an awesome boring community. as one can see by the number of my...

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20 Aug
In case you did not know, and i am pretty sure that this is the case for most of you, my ryze guide never was the lowest rated guide of the site.(Special thanks to YeaISupport for pointing it out.)
The guide that was lower than me is an olaf guide from season 1 with a whopping 9% rating(it was 8% when i saw it the first time, someone...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide