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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Personal Opinion

10 Mar
Greetings and Salutations to everyone who is about to read my blog, I would like to point out that this is indeed a personal view and although it may not be right to some of you and I am expecting the usual comments from Mobafire telling me why certain views I had were wrong (and that is cool) please bare in mind that just because my view is different does not make me an "Idiot" for believing this.

Since I started playing League I have heard about the incredible skills of the Korean players, How they are so good that their Bronze players could outplay a NA Challenger player but...
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12 Nov
Hello and Welcome everyone to one of my top 10 list here on Mobafire :)

Now this is officially my first FULL season of League of Legends and despite all the negativity I actually really enjoyed myself and although I did finish in Bronze I am actually pretty pleased with how I did for someone with very little experience or time to actually practice.

As some of you may know about me I do love the female champions quite a bit...ok quite alot and although yes I do find a majority of them pretty hot (except for Annie I am not THAT perverted) I actually like them because I believe they are...
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26 Aug
Greetings Fellow Summoners and Welcome to my very own review of some of the champions I have played as.

Please note this is my own personal review, some of the things I may say about certain champions may not be to everyone cup of tea and some may totally disagree with what is said but I write this merely from my very own experience playing League of Legend and not from the views of anyone else.

First review rightfully has to go to the first ever champion I played as, Soraka.
Now I understand...
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League of Legends Champions:

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