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Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2013
"That's a good point. In that case shifting societal beliefs would keep all evolutionary progress from ever coming to fruition. "
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2013
"Irelia at her strongest."
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2013
"Basically the main problem with saying that piracy hurts sales is that most pirates weren't going to buy the game to start with, thus you can't say they cost you any money. "
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2013
Not sure a rager would respond well to condescension... But yes make her play support. It's one of the best ways t"
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2013
"I could see why she'd rage about you stealing her farm in real life. That's a pretty huge crime. Not even sure how you'd pull that off."
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2013
"TF2, PS2, Tribes, Dota 2, League of legends. Those are off the top of my head. What was that about the F2P system not working?"
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2013
"Or you could always go f2p. It seems to be working really well these days. I don't remember who it was, but I think it was Gabe Newell that said F2P was the way of the future of gaming. Of course only certain kinds of games can legitimately pull off F2P, but those that can should. "