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Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2013
"My favorite Riot employee would have to be Draven."
Posted a Comment: May 1st, 2013
"Yeah I knew why different things made different colors, I just didn't know specifically why methanol was clear when burned. That "clears" it up :D"
Posted a Comment: May 1st, 2013
How did you manage to die? Was it like an execution or something?"
Posted a Comment: May 1st, 2013
"Lisandra and the new ARAM matchmaking is cool, everything else is just kinda there."
Posted a Comment: Apr 30th, 2013
"I can't find any inspiration to play league lately, and this freljord stuff makes me want to play it even less. I hate Ice themed anything (except food.)"
Posted a Comment: Apr 30th, 2013
"Well then why don't you go ahead and explain why what I said is untrue. If what you says makes sense I'll admit I was misled."
Posted a Comment: Apr 30th, 2013
"I'd say by 20 min in I usually have between 40(playing like shit)-60(average play) and on occasion (AD carry thresh lal) up to 100. "
Posted a Comment: Apr 30th, 2013
"Sorry if I take this one.
A "cure" will probably never come out if the system keeps going like it is, and if it does it would be from some private organization. The way medicine works now is that they view a patient cured as a customer lost. You want to "cure" them enough to k"