Hey guys!

Welcome to Nera's Corner about breaking the meta.

In this series i will be posting unusual Build paths or champions played in roles they are usually not meant to be played in but are still viable. To start off this series we will be starting with AP Miss Fortune!

Now why would you play AP Miss Fortune when there are other APC that can probably do a better job than what Miss Fortune can do? It is Miss Fortune bursty aspect that allows her to do this job. Let's take a look at her skills set shall we?

Passive: Strut : This passive allows her to easily dodge most skillshots even from lvl 1 which will allow her to have less recalls early on. ( that is if you can predict ennemy skills)

Q: Double Up: This is the only skill in her skillset you won't be using as much as it does not scale with ap at all. I personally only put a point in it after all my other skills have been maxed. So this will be your last maxed skill.

W: Impure Shots: This skill does not have that good of a scaling but it should not be underestimated nevertheless as it increases damage by the amount of hits she is able to land on you in a row with her basic attack. When activated it also gives you the healing debuff and increases her attack speed meaning she can stack it much faster for alot more damage. This should be your second maxed ability.

E: Make it Rain: This skill along with her ultimate is the bread and butter of AP Miss Fortune. If this skill is well placed, even at lvl 1 it can deal quite a bit of damage to ennemy champions. This skill scales extremely well with Magic Power with a whomping 80% damage increase from her ap ratio. This will be your farming tool and your harrass tool. After you have put a few levels in this skill you will be able to farm a complete minion wave while only having to autoattack the 2-3 stray survivors.

R: Bullet Time: This is Miss Fortune ultimate. It has 20% scaling but dont let it fool you. This ultimate combined with a well placed Make it Rain will melt opponents letting you or other members of your team to pick the easy kill.

Itemwise i like to a little bit like this:

1st rush: Liandry's Torment. Why rush this item specifically? This item lets your Make it Rain do tremendous damage from the slow proc's. A well-placed Make it Rain along with this item will easily half life a squishy opponent.

2nd item: Sorcerer's Shoes for that much needed movespeed but also the magic penetration you get from them.

3rd item: Lich Bane This will give a majorly boost the damage done with your auto-attack and give you much needed magic resist.

4th item: Rabadon's Deathcap This item will skyrocket that burst and damages from all your spells and auto-attacks.

5th and 6th items are usually highly situational ranging from defensive items with a zonhya's hourglass to the much needed cooldown reduction from items like Morellonomicon to even a Guardian Angel if you are highly focused and need that second life to deal more damage.
Also as was recommended by GMD, Banana, TehAsian, and Bio you can build a Nashor's Tooth for the extra attack speed,cooldown reduction and extra damage on auto-attacks. Wit's End is also a good item to reduce the magic resist of ennemies while also adding some much needed attack speed!

Masteries are pretty simple getting the Armor penetration,cooldown reduction,spellsword and all the masteries that will give a boost to your early magic damage.

Runes are also simple getting the usual magic pen reds,flat ability power quints,magic resistance yellows and then i personnally go for scaling ability power blues.

Now go to that midlane with the fearless AP Miss Fortune and have some fun once in a while with this unconventional build!

Hope you enjoyed this "Break the Meta" edition of Nera's corner. If you have any questions comments and any further info i could put into this mini-guide would be much appreciated!:D


P.S.: Please take note that i do not suggest these builds in a ranked game but for the kick and the fun out of trying them out in a normal game! These builds are not recommended in a ranked game as they are usually outclassed by much better champions that can fufill these roles much better!