Awards Showcase
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Posted a Comment: May 22nd, 2018
"You just need to make a Gravatar account linked to the email that you made your mobafire account with.
And if you don't have the password to your current email that you used to make your mobafire account, that's not good because if you win the raffle you can't check your email and claim your priz"
Posted a Comment: May 21st, 2018
Posted a Comment: May 21st, 2018
"Photo Bucket updated to new management So Ninja's Sig shop is back and open for business."
Posted a Comment: May 19th, 2018
"Anything else going the bar has been quit for to long, Work is going really well again for me, just got a bunch of new responsibilities and climbing that ladder towards a new goal. "
Posted a Comment: May 19th, 2018
"Another dumb thing I collect is Riot RP Cards I just have a stack of them setting on to my nightstand "
Posted a Comment: May 19th, 2018
"I am very excited about these changes, many a times has someone rerolled Xerath, nidalee or anyone good leaving me stuck with poppy when they could have just traded and re-rolled poppy "
Posted a Comment: May 16th, 2018
"I might need to find more people to play with, also I need to actually stop being lazy and start playing ranked :P "