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Ninja Trigger's avatar

Ninja Trigger

Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (147)
Status: Offline
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Ninja Trigger's Mobafire Blog

14 Feb
Well I did it, I hit just hit 3000 posts on MobaFire, and in just a few more months I will have another milestone 4 years on MobaFire, just where did the time go?

However I have not been 100% active over the past 3 and half-ish years, taking at least 2-3 multiple month long breaks due to not playing league or working out what I want to do with my life, etc, etc.

With the most recent break from MobaFire having to do mostly with landing a new job, on top of my youth pastor job, but I started working with honey bees for a living with a company that couple of close friends started a...
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14 Nov
I am leaving MobaFire

I have been a part of Mobafire for almost 3 years now. However the time for me to stop playing video games and grow up is here as well. I am 23 years old still leaving in my parents house we just got it apprised and repainted and I have had a lot of free time to think about the way my life is going. and the last thing I want to do is turn in that comic book guy from the Simpson’s. “Lamest comparison ever”

I have a lot of personal goals going on in my life, writing, personal fitness, animation, martial arts, and League is the biggest distraction....
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02 Aug
So below you will find all of my Sigs and I just wanted to give a huge shout out to all of the amazing artists we have here on Mobafire and just put it all in one place. :)

one of my first sigs ever
Sig by Janitsu

my all time favorite
sig by jhoijhoi
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09 Aug

Views: 1243 1000th POST!

Hey guys I was hoping to get to this point a few weeks ago but then life happened, and I got busy. but I just wanted to say thank you to every one here on the site. I have had a blast being here, and plan on staying and hope to give something back a guide maybe hmm maybe just maybe, don't expect to see it anytime soon I may just end up trying to beat Master for the title of worst guide haha.

Since coming here my gameplay has improved greatly, and I have got invited into two closed betas thanks to Embracing and DeadlyDave for the Smite and Dawngate Keys. A big...
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14 Jun

Views: 1007 I'm streaming now

Hello Mobafire I will running a basic stream of a few dawngate closed beta games, nothing fancy still learning how to us twitch and what not but feel free to come over and watch at I don't know if this is the place to place this, but I am trying to get into streaming so come over and watch please

also thanks to deadlydave for the beta key
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Teamfight Tactics Guide