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NinjaGinge's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Memorable (90)
Status: Offline

NinjaGinge's Mobafire Blog

19 Jan
Lol, alright so me and friends were joking around about this, and here's the results. Keep in mind we decided to throw away a little utility from our picks (like I feel soraka or mao could fit this pretty well) for the sake of the lulz.

Green ones are the primary picks, the red are viable. Choices are made and placed into primary or secondary based upon LOLWUT-ULTS, SOME KIND of RELIABLE CC available WITHOUT ults, and how well they do their job (as played by us). There are exceptions, but there are strong reasons if so. Whether we know people are can play them are kiiiinda taken...
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09 Jan


tldr: imo a very solid and original kit, but with a couple shortcomings that keep him from being a top tier champ in my eyes.

I've been in love with viktor from the very start. I bought him 5 minutes after he was released and played him for days. I'm no master, but I've got some pretty damn strong impressions so far.

a) decently strong spells overall
b) really high poke range
c) can move while casting most powerful non-ult ability
d) slow/stun designed to perfectly block off any jungle path in its entirety
e) powerful aoe silence
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05 Jan
Alright, this is something I was thinking about the other day. Naturally, you would think it's natural to be good at playing champions you enjoy because you play them and put more thought into them naturally. I fortunately obey this principle, I just so happen to love the game play and design of every champion I play well.

I have friends on the other hand that definitely do not. I have one that loves a number of champions that he can't play at all, and numerous that are really good with champions that they just don't want to play at all.

So Mobafire, what are your...
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