Regarding the infamous Trinity Force, it surely is an iconic item in the League of Legends game. Known often as "jack of all trades, master of none" item, it represents a triumvirate of auto-attacking dynamics, one of the reasons it is usually a preferential items. However it had its ups and downs and when it had its ups some champions met nerfs. Otherwise they may simply remain unpicked. A most recent example was Corki's nerfs due to his domination in late Summer split and Worlds, where he was a very contested pick. This domination was due to his ability to siege and damage turrets with aid of Sheen procs and this led to Missile Barrage having its missile generation timer increased. On the other side of the coin we had a very expensive build that became incompatible with short games (a lot of Phage history I will not get into).

As such, this post will bring you a few ideas. The philosophy is to break down the item into its basic combinations while considering the basic statistics of the item, and the passives if in need of a specific trait.

Combination 1:

Zeal+ Sheen
Main interest in AD carries that have short cooldowns to take advantage of Spellblade passive, with preference to abilities that can trigger on-hit effects. However, missing some AD means Zeal will lack effect. Examples are Corki and Ezreal.

Pilgrim's Blade
Recipe: Zeal+ Sheen+ Pickaxe+250g=3500g
+55 AD
+35% AS
+15% Cstrike C.
+200 Mana
+35 AP
Unique Passive: +5% MS.
Unique Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus damage equal to 200% of your base attack damage as physical damage. (2 second cooldown).

Imagining this item without AD might give a glimpse of how unpopular it could become due to lack of lane presence it would provide. The alternative would be to boost the spellblade passive or raise its other base stats.

Combination 2:

Sheen+ Phage
Very good on who doesn't really need attack speed or critical hits, preferably at melee range. Again, due to Sheen, the champion uses abilities with a certain frequency, and due to Phage the champion can take advantage of being at melee range to chase (Rage passive is halved for ranged champions, even though it still helps them kite). Champions with most interest in this combination are, for example, Urgot, Nasus, Hecarim and AD casters like Renekton and Riven, if you ignore the uselessness of AP or Mana on her.

Etched Sledgehammer of Shurima
Recipe: Sheen+ Phage+750g=3300g
+500 HP
+200 Mana
Unique Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus damage equal to 200% of your base attack damage as physical damage. (2 second cooldown).
Unique Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. The movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.

Combination 3:

Zeal+ Phage
This answers better to champions that rely on auto-attacking, while their cooldowns may be a bit too big. Currently, this probably gathers the lowest amount of champions, ragarding these combinations of two. Aatrox, Nocturne and Jarvan IV are champions that fit this description fairly well. Master Yi and Olaf might also be of interest.

Liuxing Warhammer
Recipe: Zeal+ Phage+ Ruby Crystal+250g=3250g
+35 AD
+30% AS
+10% Cstrike C.
+450 HP
Unique Passive: +7% MS
Unique Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. The movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.

Stay tuned for more!