Awards Showcase

Record_UserAchievement Object
[record:protected] => Array
[user_achievement_id] => 52700
[user_id] => 77282
[achievement_id] => 70
[relation_type] => Build
[relation_id] => 446141
[display_order] => 1
[is_hidden] => 0
[create_ts] => 2016-01-25 18:30:40
[getcache:protected] =>
[cache:protected] => Array

Show more awards
Posted a Comment: Feb 12th, 2013
"In terms of rules I think that people should have at least 20+ comments, and a reputation of 5. I think it's important that people writing guides have adventured out around the MOBAFire community. If anything looking at other guides transfers into making your own guide better.
I also think th"
Posted a Comment: Feb 8th, 2013
Thank You.
Posted a Comment: Feb 7th, 2013
"Honestly, Xin Zhao and Lee Sin are two jungler's who can succeed with Madred's Razors alone."
Asked a Question: Feb 4th, 2013
Jayce does pretty well against AD Casters mid. Akali, Gragas, and Ryze are some pretty solid AP picks that can do well agianst an AD Caster.
Posted a Comment: Feb 4th, 2013
"Yup, if you see a red circle under an enemy they will die to feast."
Posted a Comment: Feb 3rd, 2013
Thank you!"