In this post we are going to talk on Ad carries, since i try to main them is the reason why i'm starting with this argument as first post.

We all know that Ad carry is one of the most important roles and even one of the most difficult to play, but i'm not there to bother you much about pros and cons of this class.
I've been wondering since lifesteal patch if there would be a better way to play ad carries and other roles of course.

After the nerf they totally killed my Irelia and i had to find another way play every single champion, why?
Because lanephase is 70% of the game and maximizing that will make you a better player and will give to you more chances to win the game, farming is so much important that i prefer to spend all my effort in it instead of roaming or doing other things that don't give to you any kind of advantage.

There were many form of builds before the nerf and also post nerfs there were some stereothypes around the forums, but i will list everything below here.

  • 200 Hp
  • 43 Attack Damage
  • 24% lifesteal
  • 30 armor | 11-12% of damage reduction
  • Free ward | Not very usefull but still a great tool
  • Proc on Creeps | Not needed

Was one of the most solid builds ever used, every single stat needed, Lifesteal - Old Wriggle's Lantern was 18% lifesteal, nerfed to 15 and again nerfed to 12 which is the current stat.
Ad carries could easily farm without having Harass problems or whatever, even junglers could just jungle forever due to infinite lifesteal enough to recover any single damage taken from jungle mobs.
We can say that was a farm fest and for that armor gained from Wriggle + hp from doran + armor from runes ad carries had like 90-100 armor early game, something that was a bit strange for a lategame champion.

  • 200 Hp
  • 20 Attack Damage
  • 18% lifesteal
  • Cheaper than Wriggle but less efficent.
  • Recalling back without having enough money for B. F. Sword to complete Bloodthirster is a problem, it keeps you in a huge disadvantage in items.

Build focused on Early-Mid game, In my honest opinion Bloodthirster is not an Ad carry - focused item, ad carries have to do the biggest damage possible in less time needed, and Bloodthirster is not even comparable to Infinity Edge, yes Infinity Edge doesn't give sustain in lane but that's the reason why Ad Carries are Mid-Late game focused, until that you just have to survive and get more money you can to get that fabulous item.

And here comes the nerf by riot, every single item with lifesteal has been nerfed.
Bilgewater Cutlass And Executioner's Calling were good items even Pre-Nerf but the armor from wriggle was just too good for laning phase, it was an over-sustain for an easy lane Domination.
But with the nerf i re-evalutated those two items into those 2 theories:
Bilgewater Cutlass
+ 15% Lifesteal
+ 35 Attack Damage
- Active not usable (range)
- No upgrades (hope Riot will make one)
- No Cost Efficent
FILLER Wriggle's Lantern
+ 12% Lifesteal
+ 23 Attack Damage
+ 30 Armor
- Ward useful but not a must
- No Need of Passive
- No Cost Efficent
FILLER Executioner's Calling
+ 18% Lifesteal
+ 15% Critical Chance
+ Active: Supereffective against Meta- Heal
+ Little damage dot
+ Enhanches Infinity Edge with Crit%

Executioner's Calling
Wins the prize of New Best sustain item For Bottom lane