Posted a Comment: Dec 11th, 2012
"Welcome to MOBAFIRE.
Well it's a blog, write down what you think or what was your day like in LoL etc. But yea Blogs are not really read."
Posted a Comment: Dec 11th, 2012
"Turn of caps... and actually it does seem kind of like a wall of text.
mejai's soulstealer is a crap item, it works very rarely when you go vs easy enemies, otherwise your stacks will go back and forth and be not effective.
Umm why did you even published it not even half done?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 11th, 2012
"Well welcome to real LoL and MOBAFIRE. What level summoner?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 11th, 2012
"Seems nice but please add more formatting and information."
Posted a Comment: Dec 10th, 2012
"@Thundermourn Actually crit dmg goes after armor mitigation... and it's 260% with lethality.
As far as I know armor reduction is calculated by 100/(100+armor) so ArPen is much more complicated than you said. Let's say you have 600 AD (although calculating with 3 max stacked the bloodthirste"
Asked a Question: Dec 10th, 2012
For season 3 s3.microtony.com
Don't know where can you compare them though
Posted a Comment: Dec 10th, 2012
"Lacks information, the lack of farmatting makes it really annoying to read. Also so many wasted CDR. Your skill order is messed up, so are the masteries. The items... those seem more like you picked some random items."
Posted a Comment: Dec 10th, 2012
"Just wait 'till you see the 1st 1/12/x nasus and ADC ziggs telling he has a noob team"
Asked a Question: Dec 10th, 2012
With iceborn gauntlet you lose a little AD and HP (and some kind of wasted stats...), but you get a better slow, armor and CDR instead, totally worths it. The AoE effect also performs better...