Well I've been playing ranekds for about 2 week now. Last season i got ranked in low bronze becouse of well... i had enough and wasnt going ranked after getting stuck in bronze I and eventually dropped lower for inactivity...

So my provisional... i just don't want to talk about it... got played in bronze IV...

Even though i learned to play all of the roles at a good lvl, jungle and adc being my best 2 and support my worst, i can carry a game if we only have 1 tard on the team (feeder/afk/utterly useless), if we got more the only chance is one on the enemy team :P

After a 10 win streak last week and promoted to bronze III im getting matched with the legendary mythical bronze polaks who claim to be pro... someone explein how can i have more armor as ADC than a jungler WW... or why do people have crit dmg runes when they dont even build crit chance???

I guess it will be a looooong and boooring run with lots of ****py matches till i get out of ELO hell... while some of my lucker friends got into silver and they can't even beat a bronze V solo lane with a counter pick...
