So there's me, this low-elo player in the lobby of a ranked game. The ranked game goes to hell. As jungler, I couldn't maintain my map presence due to constant pressure nearly everywhere (even with my ultimate). I get continuously flamed by 3 members (the 4th just kept quiet, never really said anything), despite securing the majority of kills for our team (5/8 of the kills we got). So, in spite of the fact that it was a ranked game, with this team attitude, complaints and flaming, I decide to just recall to base and just watch the rest of the match. Screw reports of AFK, this will be the first one I ever get anyway. Miss Fortune who complained I never ganked bot, but continuously pushed her lane every time I looked, called me a ******. Galio said I never did anything, despite securing him 2 kills and 1 assist. Yorick who exaggerated, and said that he 'was camped top for 13 minutes', when in actual fact it was a single gank, followed by a push on tower in under 3-5 minutes, in addition to me helping him secure the only kill he got the entire game with a gank on Teemo, followed by 5-6 deaths to Teemo, who Yorick supposedly counters.


All lanes fail, blames me, the jungler.

Here's an action replay:

So unfortunately, I was also the highest Elo on my team, so I was first-pick/bans, but more so that I was supposedly the best player on the team stats-wise, which is quite concerning when you factor in how not-that-good I actually am. I ban Blitzcrank, followed by Morgana and then was thinking about the last ban. I contemplated banning different considered OP champs and ended up choosing between Shen and Malphite. Since Shen was slightly more versatile, I banned Malphite and instapicked Shen, saying that I could go support, jungle or solo-top. A member of my team goes 'go jungle, definitely not support'.

So in my head, I think, 'OK, there's nothing wrong with Shen support - he brings sustain and taunts to the lane, but whatever, I'll go jungle'. The other team then picks Ezreal and Soraka, to which my teammate picks Miss Fortune to counter him. Our next pick was a Warwick who said 'solotop'. The enemy team responds by counter-picking with Teemo and also a Swain. We round off our team with a Galio as a counter to Swain and then someone who couldn't pick a support and ended up going as Yorick, for whatever reasons. I've tried Yorick support and it does kind of work, but I wasn't sure if this guy knew what he was doing (he called solotop as well, initially). Finally, the enemy team pick up a Cho'Gath, presumably countering Warwick/ Yorick.

At this point, Warwick decides to call support. >.> OK... Warwick-support-OP-I-guess-despite-having-no-real-abilities-for-it.

So the game opens and Yorick goes botlane, presumably because he missed Warwick say 'support'. But the initial confusion subsides, to be replaced with, 'oh **** I haz wrong runes and masteries'. Yorick goes top, Warwick supports Miss Fortune botlane, exactly as the meta prescribes. [/sarcasm]

Anyway, I do my regular opening jungle with Shen, start wraiths, secure red, and then level 2 gank. Seeing the initial confusion of our team positions, I decided against an invasion. Seeing the lanes in a less-than-ideal position to gank, I decided to go to wolves then steal enemy red, followed hopefully by a kill on the enemy jungler, Cho'Gath. As I walk past wraith camp, I notice Cho'Gath coming in for a gank on an overextended Galio, who was pressuring Swain. Of course, I give chase, ignore Cho'Gath and move instantly for Swain, who had taken a few hits from Galio. I taunt him, Q him and then proceed to Flash after him to secure the kill. First blood. Everyone then backs off, securing a solid start.

I proceed with wolves, give blue to Galio and then recall to buy my Heart of Gold and some wards. Maining in support, I always get a little ticked off when people solely tell the support the buy wards. Everyone should be buying wards. I do it as AD Carry, as AP Carry, as solotop, as jungle... 'Oh noes, I must save my precious gold to buy OP power items to kill the enemies with', as if the support doesn't need to buy OP support items to counter the enemy's strengths or anything like that and solely only needs to buy wards and shizz. Anyway, I digress.

Warwick does bugger all damage and no one says anything about him. Miss Fortune could have easily gotten kills multiple times but fails to secure them nearly every time. Yorick loses top lane despite countering Teemo, claims to have wards up top the whole game when he didn't, Galio holds mid-lane just fine, but considering how I saved him with a counter-gank twice, he was very ungrateful for my help - even when I got him blue every single time. I even stole enemy blue once for Yorick, who then promptly gives it to the enemy, whilst Galio complains that our own blue got stolen and complains that I wasn't there to save the day - again.

So the video above shows how badly the game went. I had bad map awareness, I admit, but it wasn't as if people were pinging a lot for my attention anyway... I did ping myself, not as much as I should have, but at least I did... I did a lot for the team and in my opinion I didn't do as badly as my team let on.

In addition, despite probably getting 4 reports for AFK, I got two honourable opponents - acknowledgements of my efforts, though they may have failed.

So, rant over, I hope you enjoyed this essay of self-justification.