So after a long hiatus, I finally found myself - much to my chagrin - back in the jungle. I still love Sejuani and she's always been my go to choice for jungling. Did quite well this game :) Thankfully all my lanes won without much help from me, so I kind of got carried along (phew!). We managed to get first blood after the other team botched up an invasion, and we killed Evelynn and Veigar. Cho'Gath was just doing work up top all game. I came in once for a gank, but I don't think I really needed to - I was just in the area and saw an opportunity. Akali dominated Veigar for most of the game and I didn't find myself in mid a lot either. Ezreal actually got fed quite early on as well, so I wasn't needed much down bot. I came down a few times, but not that often. I started to shine mid/late game though. We were putting pressure on their mid inhibitor turret, just outside their base. Then I got off an Arctic Assault over the wall of their base, in between the turrets, and started the engage, throwing out my Glacial Prison. Akali followed up with her Shadow Dance, as did Ezreal with his Arcane Shift and we just steamrolled over them. We took down two inhibitors off of that and carried the game. A lot of fun, but pretty nerve wrecking. I'm still not comfortable with tanking or engaging, it's so alien to me and it's so easy to screw up. Still, I'm happy with that game :)