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Posted a Comment: Apr 2nd, 2015
"I'm stuck in low elo because I pretty much suck at this game and can only really get like 5-7 games in a week. o wait this should be in qq thread."
Posted a Comment: Mar 24th, 2015
"I am so excited. A legendary skin to add to my Teemo skin collection :)"
Posted a Comment: Mar 23rd, 2015
"LoL Summoner Info is a very good system with extra tweaks that can be helpful. I've been using it recently with no problems and I'm pretty sure a few Youtubers use it as well."
Posted a Comment: Mar 22nd, 2015
In what world is frozen heart inefficient? as long as you've built health elsewhere the stats it gives as well as the amazing passive make it way more than efficient. In terms of gold eff"
Posted a Comment: Mar 22nd, 2015
"Wonderful guide. Made me want to try to pick him up again. Well said and very pretty!"
Created a Thread In Theory Crafting & Ideation On: Mar 21st, 2015
Would Skirmisher's be viable on Nunu in certain situations?
So I was wondering about your opinions on skirmisher's sabre on nunu if you're in heavy counterjungle mode. The vision, damage reduction, and true damage from a challenging smite would...
Asked a Question: Mar 15th, 2015
I'm no expert here but I would say he just happened to do well with it. imho, if he had built a the bloodthirster or last whisper after he would probably have done even better due to his...
Posted a Comment: Mar 10th, 2015
Created a Thread In General Discussion On: Mar 10th, 2015
Teleport/Ignite trend?
So I'm pretty sure it's just people being dumb but I saw at least 7 people running teleport/ignite on things that weren't hecarim. I believe I know the answer but is this just low elo...
Posted a Comment: Feb 25th, 2015
"I guess I was wrong on the Q ratio. Oh well, I'm still going to play the crap out of him :D"