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Tsunami10's Mobafire Blog

03 Nov

Views: 788 Support Guide

Hello, I'm Tsunami10, and I am a main support with Sona. There are starters that keep asking what a support does, buys, and other stuff. I'm here to show what I know about them, so if I miss something, message me and I'l update this guide :3.

What is the support ? What is his function ?
These are the basics things about a support:
It stays on the bot lane with the ADC, helping him on killing the enemy ADC and protecting him. He don't farm, or get kills: it goes all to the ADC. Why ? Most of the supports don't have the power to kill, so it only protects the ADC....
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31 Oct

Views: 1225 Team Composition

Here are some team compositions, if you and your friends want to create a team.

Hard Engage

The hard engage composition is based on a team with lots of CC, and is focused on TFs.
Champion examples of hard engage :
Top : Malphite, Jarvan IV, Zac
Mid : Orianna, Kayle
Jungle : Nocturne
ADC : Ashe, Kog Maw
Sup : Leona, Blitz.

Hard engage teams are countered by Desengage teams

AOE Lockdown

An AOE L. team is based on making the enemy be impossibilited to move. Focused on TFs.
Champions examples of AOE L. :
Top : Kennen
Mid : Orianna, Twisted...
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14 Sep

Views: 664 Victories

There are some people wanting to win their matches like, 90% of them...
That's wrong, the pro players win from 50% to 60% of their matches, so stop complaining. I'm level 19 and i'm silver ON CLASSIC MODE, and I got like 30 victories. I played a lot of matches already, but in my level there are a lot of smurfs, and they always end on premade, wich means they get on the enemie team, and I loose.
I only win when someone on my team is feeded... and I have to hold to don't feed the enemies, as i'm a noob.
Stop complaining about your victories, and go play right.
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12 Sep
I know, i didn't did much guides, but I want to do the ones who will really help !
I want to know what champions do starters most pick, for me to create a guide for it.
I will be updating my guides as I get sugestions or notice mistakes, ok ?
See ya!
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide