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Posted a Comment: Apr 16th, 2017
Damn Bronze be hard. XD. Nunu had several moments of disco-ish Nunu. Herp, let me go dive right into 4 of them for funsies without the rest of my team nearby. Hey Nunu we could really use your attack speed slo"
Posted a Comment: Apr 15th, 2017
Late game, the plan became shield Jinx and that worked out pretty nicely, despite her having a pretty rough early game, vs and Ezreal and Janna no less. Felt like one of those episodes of, my Janna and Ezre"
Posted a Comment: Apr 15th, 2017
Lulu beat the crud out of Kled early, but then they started trading kills and eventually, Kled started to get the upper hand, which Mid game he turned into some good ults to help our team get schtuff done. App"
Posted a Comment: Apr 15th, 2017
We got the counterpick Mid lane and Talon did work. He died a few times here and there, but generally he was creating a lot of pressure around the map. Bot lane eventually somewhat got themselves together and sta"
Posted a Comment: Apr 15th, 2017
Our Darius got crapped on by a Dr. Mundo. Our Lucian was positionally challenged and would not buy an Executioner's Calling. Freaking Runaan's Hurricane? And Morgana didn't buy a Morellonomi"
Posted a Comment: Apr 14th, 2017
"Nice guide. I played a decent amount of support Brand prior to the Mid-season mage update and hadn't quite figured out all his new tricks. So, you text and video examples of how and why to do his three ability combo in that order were very helpful to me. +1 from me. :-)"
Posted a Comment: Apr 14th, 2017
Our Lee Sin got some work done in the early game. Every lane got going and did well. Lucian took a really horrible trade in lane when he dashed into their minion wave to get some harass off. It didn't kill h"
Posted a Comment: Apr 14th, 2017
Apparently Veigar crushes Vel'koz, to the tune of 57% in favor of Veigar. Wasn't aware that matchup was that bad. Vel managed to roam and pick up a kill or two, but it was at the cost of his Mid inner turret by"
Posted a Comment: Apr 14th, 2017
Well, my teammates created some decent situations and I was able to help them turn a bunch of those situations into even better advantage. Teemo ended the game with a back door on their Nexus after we had devestat"
Posted a Comment: Apr 13th, 2017
Not too shabby.