Thinking through something that has been a problem for me.

Nothing looks like a surefire gank opportunity.

You still have choices of what to do:

1) Take scuttle crab
2) Get wards down at probable locations where their jungler or laners will walk through.
3) Invade the enemy jungle
4) Force* a gank

I'm not much for #4. But.

Think about what you might lose for getting some damage or blowing a Flash or Ghost on an enemy laner.

*don't be stupid about it. Don't gank into a huge minion wave. don't gank if your laner is really low unless you are sure you can kill the enemy champion yourself (baiting is tricky when you aren't on comms together).

So you don't kill them, but it potentially puts your laner in an advantageous position that they or you and they may be able to take advantage a little later.

Sure you need to think about things like:

1) If I show Top can they take Dragon?
2) If I show Top can I lose one or more camps on Bot side?
3) No presence at all, unless you are known farm jungler like Shyvana or Master Yi, can feel like a lack of pressure to your team and the enemy team.

So this is a reminder for me that a successful gank does not always require a kill. Some damage or a blown summoner is something.

Ganking, even if only moderately successful, still generates pressure that their laners are probably going to push onto their jungler to match, which may not fit into their jungler's game plan which can cause some friction/tilt within their team.


Work with your junglers.

If you need to spend some time playing as a jungler to understand what they are seeing.

Going to use Top lane as example because it is somewhat isolated, but the same concepts can be applied to all the other lanes.

If you are a Top laner and your jungler is going Red > Wolves > Blue think about how you can use that.

1) Balance pushing for level 2 with keeping the lane in a position that allows your jungler to gank
2) Try and get some chip damage on your opposing laner
3) If you aren't going to be level 3 by the time the gank occurs and you have a CC ability then you may want to to get the CC ability at level 2.
4) Watch the path that your jungler takes for the gank (don't assume they are going to take the most direct root, they may want to run through tribush to get behind the enemy laner rather than coming in from the side and they may need to wait for the enemy minion wave to pass before making their move).
5) Before the gank (generally around 2:40) get the tribush or the river bush warded depending on where the wave is going to be to keep yourself as safe as possible.

That ward may protect you and potentially your jungler in the event that:

1) The enemy jungler shows up to gank
2) The enemy Mid laner shows roams to Top (probably not going to happen at level 3 but you never know)
3) The enemy jungler shows up to countergank
4) The enemy jungler shows up late to countergank because they did an extra camp but now they happily gets to clean-up 2 low health targets

If it looks like your jungler is going to opt for an invade you should shove your lane to be able to roam and help them if they get into trouble.

However if that isn't feasible then you should ping them back to dissuade them from invading.

Gank Outcome:

Just some possibilities.

-Got a kill + Flash?-

Work with your jungler to shove the enemy minion wave into the turret. Back and buy.

When you come back to lane think about freezing your lane near your turret and denying minions and potentially even XP from their enemy laner using the gold and item advantage your gained. If they walk up to the wave kill them again and/or ping your jungler to come back Top since their laner will have to be overextended to stay in XP range.

I've easily gotten 30+cs (roughly two kills) leads doing this depending on how long you can hold the freeze. Though be cognizant if they do roam away from lane to try and make plays elsewhere on the map, in which case you need to break your freeze and hard shove into the enemy turret and either pressure their turret or follow them.

-Just did some damage to them?-

If you are stronger than them you can try to kill them on your own. Or you can try setting up a freeze.

-Just blew a Flash?-

Let everyone know their Flash is down. Put the timer in chat. Top f 831. You blew their flash at 3:31 and it will be back up in 5 minutes so 8:31 game time.

As the jungler I'm going to try to come back to that lane to take advantage of the fact that their flash is down.

But don't get pissed at your jungler if they don't come back. **** may be hitting the fan on the rest of the map and they may need to be there to hold things together/get advantages for your other laners.

Look at it like this. For 5 minutes you have a mobility advantage over your laner. What can you do with that?

Not every gank has to end up in a kill. It should gain your team more than it costs your team. And sometimes the gain is simply some pressure. Yeah, their jungler is around. They are looking to make plays so I have to play a little more carefully because of that. Work with your team to ratchet up the pressure on the enemy team where you can. Learn to use the advantages you carve out or are given through the help of your teammates.