Just one of those things I've observed:

If you gank Bot lane early and pick-up a double kill and are still relatively healthy, one option is to try and take a Dragon. However, I've found if your Mid doesn't have priority and you don't know where the enemy jungler is or you know the enemy jungler is on the Dragon side of the map, you are probably in for a mess, especially if their Top laner has Teleport available and your Top laner doesn't (or isn't savvy enough to follow). One of the reasons it gets messy is the death timers are so short at that stage of the game it is even possible that their Bot lane can respawn in time to join any fight at the Dragon pit, especially if there is any delay in taking it. (a 6th level Jhin or Ashe don't even have to make it all the way to the pit to cause extra havoc.) And regardless of which ADC + Support, if they can make it back to the pit in time they will have spent the gold in their inventory and thus have an item or item component advantage over your Bot lane.

Obviously, as with all things, there are exceptions. E.g. You've got 3 champions with a way out of the Dragon pit and preferably some mechanism for taking it quickly. Kha'Zix isolation damage + Ezreal for attack speed buff + Braum for instance.

So sometimes the better part of valor is simply to take the double-kill, shove the wave into the turret, maybe run with your support and get a deep ward or two in the enemy jungle and be satisfied with that.