Tarzaned offers coaching of a Kindred game play for a sometime Master tier player.

There are several things to take away from this coaching session, but the one I found most interesting for where I am at is what to do when an enemy laner is running Ignite.

So you run Ignite for increased kill pressure. Other summoner spells tend to scale better later in the game, so that means you will want to use your Ignite to get kills early. That probably means a laner with Ignite is going to play aggressively.

As jungler, what do you do with that information?

How about camp the laner with Ignite? Watch them to see if they are playing aggressively. If so, be there in order to counter the aggression. When they fully commit and use their mobility spells such as Playful / Trickster or Living Shadow that is your time to go in and make them pay for their aggression.

I too often will let a Zed have their way in a lane because they can be hard to gank if they are not aggressively using their mobility spells. But their summoner spell choice gives you a window into their mindset. A Zed with ult is probably going to try and kill your laner soon. A Zed with ult and Ignite is going to definitely try to kill your laner or roam to use that combination in another lane or on you if they spot you out on low health. Use his thinking against him.