Tilt basically amounts to a pattern of making poor or less than optimal decisions.

I see tilt as a matter of degree. Sometimes you go off the rails and sometimes it is subtle.

From a jungle perspective I often feel the pressure to match the enemy jungler in terms of number of ganks especially if they are getting kills.

This can cause me to deprioritize farming to try and gank more. I also tend to take more risks or tunnel on a target when my team is behind.

If my efforts go poorly, then I'll probably end up on tilt. There may be nothing to be done about that game, but on the other hand I am sometimes able to sort myself out by going through my checklists.

That gank didn't work. Why?

I didn't ping before going in so my laner wasn't close enough to add their CC.

I didn't notice that their laner was an item up on my laner meaning I should have let my laner bait, but not expect them to stay in the fight once it was under way. Did I even have enough damage or CC to make a situation like that come out in our favor?

Let's take Zac as an example. Good CC but it isn't hard CC at it is skill shot based. His damage also tends to be on the low side unless you are building for it.

Let's take Pantheon as another example. Point and click CC and big damage.

With Pantheon I might go in on that situation, however with Zac I might look for a better opportunity elsewhere.

Or, if I'm playing like ****. Our Top lane is crushing it and they are to the point where they are looking to roam. I need to help facilitate their roaming by being where they are so we have strength in numbers and I might be able to pick up a few assists to get me back in the game.

When your on tilt your ability to make decisions tends to be impaired, so you need to take a breath and go back to the basics.

What is your win condition if playing a farm oriented jungler like Shyvana? Get big through farming and opportunistic ganks, counterganks, and counter jungling. Get your team to group and then crush team fights before the 40 minute mark when their carries will start having enough Penetration items to cut through whatever bulkiness you've managed to build up.

So ganking more on Shyvana is not always the right decision and can quite often can be the wrong decision, because you bring damage and only soft CC in the form of a knock back and possible a slow / speed theft if your are running Stalker's Blade or Blade of the Ruined King.

Other things that can influence my mindset are in-game communications.

If you are getting a lot of flack from your team mates or enemies via chat then go into the Tab screen and mute them. Unfortunately you can't mute their pings. But you don't have to be subjected to "stupid jungler never ganks. their jungler has ganked 4 times."

You may have good reasons for not ganking their lane. Maybe your team mate is playing Vladimir who has no hard CC and doesn't really hit their stride damage-wise until level 9, except they've already died twice to the enemy Riven who is now two levels ahead of Vlad and who has a high potential to turn any gank into a double kill.

Or they may just be griefing because they had two bad games before this and now they are on their favorite champion so surely they should have a good game but they aren't.

Regardless you don't have time to explain all that in chat. If you think you do then you are definitely on tilt.

Chat is primarily for passing praise or essential information like objective timers, ward placement locations, or information about cool downs.

At then end of the day you aren't going to win every game and you probably aren't ever going to play a match with the people you are matched with ever again. So the point is to have a game plan for yourself, try to execute it to the best of your abilities, and to question yourself when it doesn't go according to plan and come up with solutions for the future so that you can refine and improve your play as you go.

And if you've just had a really intense game, or two ranked losess in a row, then take a break. Give yourself at least 10-20 minutes before queuing up again.

In extreme cases of tilt, take a break from ranked. From there you have a number of things you can do.

Go check your item builds, runes, and masteries against champion.gg and probuilds.net.

Watch some vids of high ranked players playing your favorite champions, especially the streamers that are teaching oriented.

Find some higher ranked players to review your replays so they can walk you through some of your mistakes and offer suggestions on how to improve your play.

Then get in some normals to try the things you've learned out in a lower pressure situation. Once, you feel like your have your confidence back, then ease back into ranked.


In game, recognize your are on tilt and then try to get yourself back on track by going through your mental checklists regarding what your should be doing.

Mute is your friend. Use it liberally.

Take breaks if you feel yourself slipping into tilt.

Take the time in between to review your decision making in some fashion. Whether that be getting someone to critique your replays or watching a vid on the points where you are struggling (trading in lane, warding at different stages of the game, positioning for team fights, etc.,).