As is my usual, I've been dinking around with another champion trying to learn their ins and outs. This time it is Miss Fortune.

She has an interesting though confusing kit.

Her Q, Double Up, actually does more damage if you can get it to bounce to a secondary target. This creates a little mini-game in lane where you try to line it up to nail enemy champions who are standing behind their creeps.

Her W, Impure Shots, has a couple of elements to it. The active portion of it is pretty straight forward. It is an attack speed steroid and it makes Double-Up and Bullet Time apply a healing debuff, Grievous Wounds, to targets struck.

The passive portion has quirky stacking element to it. I say quirky because not all your abilities result in stacks being applied, which I feel is rather confusing in terms of figuring out how to maximize your Impure Shots stacks.

So for each stack of Impure Shots you can get on a target you do bonus magic damage equal to 6% of your Total Attack Damage, cumulatively.


1 stack = 6%
2 stacks = 12%
3 stacks = 18%
4 stacks = 24%
5 stacks = 30%
6 stacks = 36%
7 stacks = 42%
8 stacks = 48%

The stacks remain on a target for 5 seconds and I believe the timer is renewed if you start doing things to the target that apply stacks before the 5 second timer expires.

If you are at full build you will likely have something in the neighborhood of 330-410 AD (depending on if you itemized a damage item or a defensive item as your 6th item) so that would add up to 713-886 bonus magic damage, which is a boatload of damage.

So what applies stacks?

Your autoattacks apply Impure Shots stacks if you have Impure Shots active. You ultimate applies Impure Shots even if you don't have it active though it will not apply the Grievous wounds debuff if you don't have Impure Shots active.

To my knowledge neither Double Up nor Make it Rain apply Impure Shots stacks. Though Double-up will apply the healing debuff if you have Impure Shots active.

See why this is so confusing?

So to maximize your stack count you basically need to select one target if it is safe to do so and then.

Active Impure Shots (W)
Auto attack the target
Hit the target with Double Up, Q.
Auto attack the target again.

That will give you two stacks of Impure Shots and do a lot of damage to the target aside from the bonus damage from stacks of Impure Shots.

Then unload Bullet Time on your target, which applies a stack of Impure Shots for each bullet they are hit by.

You can also drop Make it Rain on them for the slow effect before activating Bullet Time in order to keep them in the AoE cone of Bullet Time to ensure that they are hit by as many bullets as possible.

To my knowledge there is no visual indicator telling you how many stacks of Impure Shots there are on target, although there is a symbol showing that the healing debuff has been applied if Impure Shots was active when you hit the target with an ability that can apply that portion of Impure Shots.

If it works differently than what I think I've been able to ferret it out, please note any differences in the comments section.
