Odds and Ends

Now You Don't See It. Now You Do.
So yeah if you are playing Graves and you hit someone with Smoke Screen and then start attacking them they can see you. This seems odd to me but that is how it works, so there you go.

I've had some trouble wrapping my head around Jinx. I always seem to have Switcheroo! on the worst mode for the situation and rarely manage to achieve anything useful with Flame Chompers!. One thing I have figured out is that it is usually best to drop your Flame Chompers at your own feet if someone is closing in on you as the Chompers have a delay before they arm. So, all you peeps throwing out your flame chompers at max range to try to snare someone, yeah don't do that. If however you want to get say Blitzcrank to stop menacing you from the bush for a few seconds then tossing them out at max range is fine as he'll need to back off unless he wants to get snared and then nailed with Zap! and whatever else you can follow up with on him.

Ninja Needs Waveclear
There are probably worse characters at wave clearing than Shen but I'm having trouble thinking of them (maybe Braum?). It gets a touch better once you get Sunfire Aegis or Enchantment: Cinderhulk but it is still pretty close to god awful. And if you are building vs an AP laner it is a looooong time before your have the aura of Sunfire Cape or Cinderhulk to help you.

Oh, You Think You Can Run Do You?
So Volibear luvs him some Turbo Chemtank. He seems like a great jungler for learning the art of patience in ganking because you do really have to wait until the enemy champion commits to something and/or uses any ranged CC they have before going in, but dayum can you get in fast between Thundering Smash and the Righteous Glory active. Throw Flash on top and he really is a hard bear to escape. Plus the damage he deals while building all tank is immense.