I've racked up a number of Sion top and one mid game of late.

I've been running him 21-0-9 and he still feels plenty tanky enough most of the time.

I've been using two rune pages for him depending on my lane opponent.

Vs AD - 9 Hyb Pen, 9 Armor, 9 Magic Pen, 2 MS Quints + 1 Hyb Pen Quint
Vs AP - 9 Hyb Pen, 9 Scaling Health, 9 MR, 2MS Quints + 1 Hyb Pen Quint (grrr...Teemo).

Sion's main form of harrass in lane is Roar of the Slayer. It does silly damage if you manage to smack a minion into the enemy champion, especially given all the magic penetration you are sporting...
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