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Replay Software?

Creator: Chawoora March 23, 2015 8:16pm
Chawoora's Forum Avatar
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Aug 5th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2015 8:16pm | Report
What replay solution work for you? I seem to recall some discussion about this recently, but could not find anything with a search. Searching the Internet seems to turn up a lot of “solution X works great” followed by “solution X does not work anymore” info.

I tried the replay at I go there and click the Record button during champion select, but I never see a button or link to download a recording. Am I doing something wrong? Even if it worked, how would I watch it? Are there other solutions that work better? I would not mind playing a few bucks for decent software. I use Windows 8.1.
Teemoshy's Forum Avatar
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2015 8:24pm | Report
LoL Summoner Info is a very good system with extra tweaks that can be helpful. I've been using it recently with no problems and I'm pretty sure a few Youtubers use it as well.
"Ah, the dulseth tones of Korean Lissandra."


VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2015 9:55pm | Report
I haven't gotten to work for me, yet (still getting used to a Mac), though I have got it make replay files that I can download.

You have to open in your browser and search for you summoner name while on the proper region.

Then start a game and when you are in the champion load screen tab out of the client to your browser and find the button that says Refresh Data. That should (should being operative as I've had it fail at least once) show you your current game and there will be a relatively small button on the right side of the window that says Record. It will then wait for and show a message like "you have requested a recording" and then IIRC it eventually says it is recording.

After you are done with your game you should be able to refresh your data again and it will show that you have a Replay. I've had it take about 14 hours for the replay to show up, though that appears to be unusual. You can click on that link to grab the file. I get a .cmd file when I download it on my Mac though I think it should be a .sh file. I believe it is something different for a PC.

Then for a Mac you are supposed to open a terminal and drag the file into the terminal to get it to play but I haven't gotten that part to work, yet.

There is a catch though, you can only refresh your data once every 15 minutes, which is fine if you are going to play a game, but if you accidentally refresh your data early you have to wait 15 minutes before you can do it again.
Shuru's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2015 9:59pm | Report
I can only get LSI to work on windows 8, definitely worth a try.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
fr0zenion's Forum Avatar
Mar 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 12:52am | Report
I use baron replays atm, as lolreplay is having trouble and is bug splatting all my games.

I make league videos for commentaries on youtube. So a functional replay program is a must for me.
lanilwow's Forum Avatar
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Dec 1st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 8:14am | Report
What video card do you have?

I run a nvidia and they have a built in video capture system. Turn it on at the nvidia control panel and then when you want to record something hit alt-F9 to record and alt-F10 to stop.

Quality is fine for me. I don't do YouTube or anything I just review it for my own study.

BUT, BIG BUT here... you can only review what happened on our screen you cannot scroll around the game to see what was happening elsewhere. This does limit a lot of thing you may want to review!
Chawoora's Forum Avatar
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Aug 5th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 8:52pm | Report
Thanks. I am not sure why does not work for me. I tried it again using a custom game and after a while I see an error message (which I probably did not see before since I switched back to the game).

I did install LSI and it is a pretty interesting tool. I rewatched my first replay...somehow lost a game after going 22/7/12 with Wukong. I think I did what I could to win that game but could see some mistakes that I made.

LSI also tells me:
- I have a 62.5% win rate with Lucian...pretty good...100% with 3 Sion games.
- I have only a 33% win rate with Nami who I thought was one of my best champions.
- My first PvP game was May 3, 2014 and I went 0/11/3 on Kayle...ouch! (33 cs...double ouch!)
ArgusGaming's Forum Avatar
Feb 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2015 10:11am | Report
Chawoora wrote:
What replay solution work for you? I seem to recall some discussion about this recently, but could not find anything with a search. Searching the Internet seems to turn up a lot of “solution X works great” followed by “solution X does not work anymore” info.

I tried the replay at I go there and click the Record button during champion select, but I never see a button or link to download a recording. Am I doing something wrong? Even if it worked, how would I watch it? Are there other solutions that work better? I would not mind playing a few bucks for decent software. I use Windows 8.1.

Yo! I can help you out with this even though people have said what they prefer to use.
The easiest software is LOL Replay. It will record all your games if on -

You can also use Shadowplay by GeForce, which I use to create commentaries. Super quality, dont really lag at all compared to Fraps (atleast for me) and I can still record in 1080p! This is what I recommend, but it takes alot of space on your harddrive!

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