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Teemoshy's Crawl From the Depths of Low Bronze

Creator: Teemoshy April 20, 2015 3:36pm
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 5:45pm | Report
that would help too.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2015 8:34pm | Report

Games 9-11

Game 9 - Loss

Runes: AD, 4 Arm 5 HP, 5 MR 4 AS, 2 AS 1 Arm Quints; 21-9-0 Masteries

So this game was dumb on my part. I haven't played enough Twitch in recent times to have his last hitting down. This was an issue as you can see by my farm. On top of that there were many bad ults on my part and super fail "assassinations". My Katarina teammate was fluxing in and out a bit with lag. Udyr didn't understand that I can't touch Poppy if she ults him and there really isn't anything I can do when it's the two of us against 4 of them. Late into the game we made some good picks that let to good fights and some objectives but ultimately we got aced in a bad fight in our base and lost. Bye-bye Promo.
Things I did well:
  • I did make a huge comeback about 22 mins in (when I got Blade of the Ruined King; so late). I got my first 10 kill within the small span of 6 minutes. This is also when my Twitch mechanics kinda kicked back in.
Things I need to improve on:
  • Farm. This is a recurring thing so I really need to just go practice in customs or something.
  • Picked Twitch when I apparently wasn't back into the swing of him.
  • Died to an early gank. This and my last death were just unnecessary.
  • My assassinations were mostly fails.

Game 10 - Loss

Runes and masteries were same as above XP

So I was stupid and forgot to change out of my ADC pages and into my Support clothes. That was only a minor issue though because, as you can see, Cho'Gath wasn't actually in game. I don't know if he had exceptionally bad lag or if he trololololled but he kept disconnecting and reconnecting all game. I tried my best to keep Graves alive and provide assistance for my team but ultimately we couldn't pull ahead without global pressure. I don't remember much else of this game so I'll just skip to my last game, the redemption.

Game 11 - Victory

Runes: Magic Pen, HP/Lvl, 6 MR 3 Mana Regen, AD Quints; 21-9-0 Masteries

Apparently Death Rocket Corki is my wheelhouse because I am on a roll with him. This game was funny because the Udyr in this game was the same one as the last and he and others doubted me and told me not to feed. HAH! Anyways, I started against Lux with TF as support and after a short time for some reason they switched. I did die to a gank after that but it didn't give Twisted Fate enough of a boost to beat me. My poke was faster and hit harder so I bullied him around. After some great skirmishes that we came out ahead in and following objectives, we strangled the enemy and grabbed a victory. Oh, and Morgana disconnected about 5 or so minutes before we won, but the gold lead was too much by that point.

Things I did well:
  • Very good bullying with my mid game power spike.
  • Did a good job of exploiting Xin Zhao's failure to gank properly (he didn't run up to me to start attacking when I was far up in the lane. I just Valked as soon as he jumped on me.
  • Played within my poke power zone keeping myself incredibly safe.
Things I need to improve on:
  • Farm again
  • The early death to TF was dumb on my part. I believe I even burned Flash.
  • Roams could have been better
  • Even though I did stay pretty safe in fights, I was pushed so far up in lane most of the lane phase which made me a huge target for Xin

Welp, hopefully only one more game until Promos again.
"A bunch of high schoolers can't pass the California exit exam, huh? Well, we could try to see what is happening with our schools and why these kids are failing....nah let's just get rid of it. That money can go to my choo choo train!!"

-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing

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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2015 9:39am | Report
So I want to thank Utopus and BigBoxGamer because I'm stealing your ideas and putting up the LSI code and Match history link to my future games. If anyone cares to give a looksee, I'll put them up for the games listed previous to this post. After yesterdays games though I'm now Bronze 4, not the worst, but only slightly better than the worst, lelz.
"Ah, the dulseth tones of Korean Lissandra."


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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 12:54pm | Report
So I watched the replays of a couple of my games from monday and realized a few things:
  • I need to get better with using activated items, I was kinda shoddy on that this week.
  • I use way too much mana trying to harass in mid lane, a problem I will be working on.
  • The reason I do so much damage with Death Rocket Corki is that in low elo people don't even fathom the thought of me building AP so they just build armor against the "4 AD team" leaving me to wreak havok on them with a barrage of magic damage.
  • I normally start the day with a good warm-up Normal game but I like my plan to follow up Ranked losses with a Normal Draft as well. Started that this week and it was nice.

Anyways, here are games 12-16.

Game 12 - Victory!

Game 13 - Victory, in them Promos again!

Will post the Promos later. Have to go back to work :(
"A bunch of high schoolers can't pass the California exit exam, huh? Well, we could try to see what is happening with our schools and why these kids are failing....nah let's just get rid of it. That money can go to my choo choo train!!"

-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing

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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 8:32pm | Report

Games 14-16, PROMOS

Game 14 - Defeat

Game 15 - Victory, There's still hope

Game 16 - Victory, I'm Bronze 4 \o/
"A bunch of high schoolers can't pass the California exit exam, huh? Well, we could try to see what is happening with our schools and why these kids are failing....nah let's just get rid of it. That money can go to my choo choo train!!"

-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing

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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2015 7:50pm | Report
Updated my OP by swapping Annie out of my Top roster to add Gnar. I forgot how fun he is and the changes to Black Cleaver apparently make him amazing, which is true. This week I'll post my 4 games after I review them. The early tl;dr is I went 2-2 losing a game because of a troll Fiora and a Katarina who didn't know how to build. 2 Zhonya's Hourglasss and would build Void Staff even though she was whining about enemy MR until I told her to 57 times. My overall play for the day was meh. I lacked a lot of map/game awareness and made some really bad plays or misplays.
"He's absolute dog****, mate."

-Thooorin, My thought whenever Luke Bryan or Sam Hunt come on the radio at work

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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2015 2:10pm | Report
So, I asked this in BBGamer's thread but it's better if I ask in mine. Could someone check out one of my games to give me a walkthrough of good/horrible things I'm doing for some perspective. I'd like another's (more educated) opinion so I can hopefully get better and make the most of my limited play time
"Selfie got upset after the game because he realised he will team up with NA players soon."

-H2K VandeR
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 13, 2015 8:44pm | Report

Games 17-20

LSI Codes:
Lucian 2: 3F9DF03BC2DB2CEE6117D791903DC1ED

Lucian 1: 6D227231DBD0FD3BA387842EC3438F19

Gnar: 3F4C2901539F89062CE80A52F7771F19

Corki: 39C1DCCF2B07BBA7D6049CADAB49BBE4 (Enemy Irelia had way terribad interwebs)

Just an image and code dump today for anyone interested. I felt lackluster on Monday and can hopefully make up for it next week. If anyone could review a game and run through it with me that'd be greeeaat. :)
"He's absolute dog****, mate."

-Thooorin, My thought whenever Luke Bryan or Sam Hunt come on the radio at work

utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 13, 2015 9:34pm | Report
i'll look into one of the lucian games. there's usually more to learn in defeat than in victory
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 13, 2015 11:43pm | Report
Your 3/7/6 lucian gameplay analysis:
Pre-2:45 You should be autoattacking whenever possible so that you and sona don't get cheesed.
2:45 you should've been orb walking back with your sona well before they hit level 2. Dashing in was a blunder.
3:30 can't be missing that CS
3:50 you positioned too far back and let your sona get poked. She won't have mana for healing now if she wants to stay aggressive
4:25 you've got the right idea now, but she's oom. you should be telling her to make some flash play
4:35 Should've flash autoed him.
5:09 you should be hard pushing to tower so graves misses farm, or zoning janna from her creep wave.
5:40 look to whittle downgraves by Qing him through his minions.
6:30 when sona goes back like that youve gotta back off with her. You guys should TRY to stay the same length from the lane.
7:07 You should've recalled right now.
7:41 Sane idea - distance wise, you want to be the same length into your lane as your support; Let me know if you don't understand this
8:10 you should've headed to dragon right now.
10:00 OK, fiora's feeding a lot You need to create a lot of map pressure, so taht she can get back into the game. You should be pushing bot as hard as you can, and try to force wukong away from top lane by taking towers.
12:16 pushing here was a blunder!! You could've taken 40% of your opponents tower.
13:25 if you don't push right now, and take mid toweryou'll have lost bot tower for your rotation mid.
14:20 RIGHT now, you should've pinged that you were heading back to bot. Since graves was still showing bot, you needed to answer his push. He has a big wave and will really damage your turret if you don't leave now - he might even have time to take it. You also lost around 15 CS from his push.
15:15 go back bot and push. Really force someone to head bot and wave clear so that you can have a better poisition for dragon
16:45 that's probably one of the worst fiora's ive seen in my entire life.
17:20 you are too terrified to whittle down turrets. You have a lux coming your way and they don't have vision of her. You can play overly aggressive. If they for some reason go in on you, then she can come and clean up some kilsls for you. Also, after janna shielded her graves, she had no mana to make plays, and the graves had no health to make plays. You very well could've just taken this tower right here; I hope that's what you did.
17:42 OH MY GOD PUSH!!!!
It's okay if people converge on you. You hav esion coming your wave, and since janna is still OOM, she's deadweight. It'd be a 2v3.
18:22 Sona already recalled to stop the wukong. You needed that global gold and map pressure. You should've stayed.
20:35 you should've recalled here. The reason why it's better to recall here as opposed to the other times when i've told you to push towers is that now, your opponents are 4 grouped mid, with a cannon minion. They are looking to take 3 turrets and an inhib. If they do that, it's probably game over.
21:16 Yeah at this point it's probably game over. While you have a good creep wave slow pushing top that may very well take that tower, you'll find that they've just gotten so much global gold from those towers that your team is very far behind. You should be taking every opportunity now to scrounge for CS. Since you no longer have turrets near you to protect you from flanks, it's best at this point to just farm lanes as best you can, and when the minions are pushed to an area where you don't have vision, you go into the jungle and take minions there.
22:17 During the mid and late game, I try to ask myself, "Why am I here?" If you had asked yourself this, you would've either recalled to safety, or pushed bot more.
24:07 This is another example of when you should ask yourself, "why am i here?" A full health wukong isn't just going to recall (at least, he shouldn't). He is looking to take objectives. The two objectives in sight are the bot tower, and the dragon. When you see that he's not starting the dragon, you HAVE to assume and respect that he may very well be trying to take bot tower.
25:53 You're at the point in the game where if you stay bot for too long, your opponents can baron. Push bot, and look to make a play while someone is wave clearing bot.
26:45 You have no vision of that area. You can't facecheck like that alone - even to ward. You should've used a blue trinket to first scout and see if that area you're going to be in is safe, or more preferrably, you should've gone with Sion, or with another escort.
31:35 You were positioned too far forward there. You need to keep some buffer space between you and your tank line, so that your tanks will have more time to react to assassins trying to sneak past them. At this point the game is probably over.

Work more on trying to take towers, and exerting map pressure on your own - At least for the early and mid game. It sucks when one of your teammates feeds the enemy team, but it's just an unfortunate inevitability that we have to accept - you just have to bite the bullet sometimes and make the best of a bad situation.

If you want me to analyze some more of your games, I'd like you to analyze them first, using the time stamps to mark events like i did.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)

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