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Cyclopes8's Season 6 Ranked Journey

Creator: Jpikachu1999 February 4, 2016 10:08pm
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2016 10:08pm | Report
I've been away from this game for about two years now, and I'm slowly getting back into it.

Last time I played, supports were made up of a pool of about 7 champions, jungling wasn't possible for every single champion imaginable, and generally you saw the same team comp every game - tanky top, tanky jungle, AP mid, ADC and support bot. That was back in Season 3.

I've got a lot to learn.

Champions? What are champions?

Support - Janna, Lulu, Nami
ADC - Miss Fortune | I have no idea. Haven't tested enough with this role.
Top - Riven, Shyvana, Gnar, Jax, Fiora
Mid - Orianna, Lux | I have no idea. Haven't tested enough with this role.
Jungle - ?????? | This is the one role I never really worked on, so I really have no idea how to jungle in this season.

For a little bit of history on my experience in League.

I started playing League of Legends (NA Server) in Season 2 when Ahri was released. I managed to reach Platinum V in Season 2, and I even had a quick visit to Diamond V in Season 3. I believe I ended up in Plat 1 or 2 in Season 3; I honestly can't remember. I've usually mained support in the past, so you'll probably end up seeing a lot of games with Janna or Lulu from me.

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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2016 10:39pm | Report
Two weeks of getting used to the mechanics again, and I'm desperate to get back into ranked. Not sure why, but even though ranked is the most toxic part of the community, I still find it more enjoyable to play than normals.

This poor Draven. I mean, I just feel sorry for the guy. He literally did not get a kill until 1 minute before we ended the game, and he dove underneath both nexus towers for it. Granted, it did give him like 2,000 gold (he had like 800 stacks or something ridiculous), but that is rough.

What went well this game

Our Diana and Viktor curbstomped. They made a couple of poor decisions early, but other than that, this game was a pushover. Every lane was kept pretty well suppressed. Even without us getting a kill bottom, Draven out CS'ed Lucian all game. Draven and I zoned them pretty hard.

Only one death, that's a good sign. Our objective control was excellent - we only lost one dragon due to getting caught 3v5 (and none of us died so it could have been worse). We had excellent picks - nearly every fight we caught Lulu or Lucian out and turned it into a 4v5. Even though my personal contribution to vision control was not amazing, I tried to keep their jungle warded fairly well, and ward-free. I have the feeling that led to a lot of easy fights.

What went poorly/I need to work on

I missed two opportunities to kill Lucian in the first 5 minutes. Great. I'm not quite used to this warding/revised trinket system, so my vision control was a little lackluster. A lot of people ward different spots than they used to.

While Draven and I did a great job zoning their bot lane, I basically felt useless. We had so much pressure on them that they couldn't fight us, and we actually almost got a double kill when Sejuani came to gank. Honestly, I should have roamed more early on and started controlling vision throughout their jungle.

We didn't group as much as we should have. We had excellent picks and were destroying their team, but this game went on longer than was necessary. This is mostly my fault, as I should have communicated with the team to push lanes, instead of chasing more enemies/getting dragons. In the end, pushing down towers when ahead does far more than cleaning up a couple of stragglers or pickup up a dragon.

Random Thoughts

So, their team was, what, 4 AP? That seems like a bad decision. Their Vladimir also had the strange habit of blowing Ghost and Ignite randomly.

What do I build in these sorts of situations? I mean, as soon as I finished Ruby Sightstone and Frost Queen's Claim (which took much longer than I thought it would), I was kind of at a loss. Locket of the Iron Solari seemed great, and in hindsight, Mikael's Blessing would have worked well too. I was going for Zeke's Harbinger at the end there, simply because I didn't know what else to do.

I'm uncertain of how to build supports in the current meta. I've seen everything from full damage to pure support to full tank. I've always preferred peeling supports like Janna and Lulu, but I'm unsure of how to build them now. Do I go full damage (aka AP) for more shields and CC, or do I go support items for the added benefits (which tend to leave me squishy), or do I go some sort of mix? I tend towards support items, since if I get traded for someone else on their team it's generally a good thing, but if anyone has any ideas, I would be happy to here them.

In the end, a good start for a new season.

Bonus: a video?

This is my first attempt at capturing this, and I'll try to record all my ranked games. Honestly, this recording is terrible - quality is god awful, and my music taste is probably something I should become more careful about sharing with the rest of the world. But it's there if you want to watch it.

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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 7:34pm | Report
Game 2

I'm pretty sure I got mega carried. I mean, sure, I was great for tanking and CC in teamfights, but Fizz and Lucian dominated this game.

What went well this game

We did a great job of grouping and pushing. We had nice objective control, and eventually just kept picking them off one by one and rolling through towers. Ironically, we did a good job of grouping, but we also had a decent splitpush going at all times. I guess we were basically ahead all game.

Even though I didn't do so well in lane, I did manage to group and take objectives with my team. So that worked nicely.

What went poorly/I need to work on

Well, my laning phase sucked. I couldn't CS properly to save my life, and I messed up a few times when Pantheon ganked. After Irelia picked up Phage and Sheen, I could no longer out-trade her.

I also whiffed almost every ultimate. That wasn't too good.


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Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 9:41pm | Report
Good reads
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 9:43pm | Report
Game 3

This game actually went surprisingly well. Although it was a rough start, staying calm was great. Protect Vayne, win game. Once we hit mid game, it basically felt like no pressure at all.

What went well this game

Vayne and I wrecked. Lee Sin was pretty awesome too. Vision control was interesting. They warded a lot, but I was able to keep it under control for the most part. Also, 0/2/25, not terrible at all.

Literally, I just focused on peeling/protecting Vayne. Despite her mediocre laning skills, her mechanics were actually solid. Out of all the supports, I feel like Lulu is the best at really protecting a fed ADC.

What went poorly/I need to work on

How the hell do you beat a Soraka bot lane? I just don't understand the insane amount of sustain she has. She doesn't even have trading potential, unless by trading potential you mean they take 0 damage. Miss Fortune's Double Up was also brutal. It started taking 30-50% of Vayne's health at one point.

Vayne didn't seem to understand the concept of freezing a lane, and early game was super rough. Top and mid were struggling big time. Lee Sin was doing all he could, but ganks bot just didn't work out. I would blame myself for that, but we got majorly outpoked before every gank.

It was basically 4v5, as Wukong was useless the whole game. Only the impressive Vayne mechanics saved us.

Random thoughts

In hindsight, Mikael's Blessing probably would have been a stronger pick than Morellonomicon. Although, 45% CDR is super strong, so I don't know. I also don't know if the laning phase would have gone better with Ignite. Exhaust was super useful this game, and really tied in with protecting Vayne, but I'm undecided. My first instinct from supporting in Season 2 is to always run Exhaust, but Ignite is actually supposed to be strong in this meta.


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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 6, 2016 6:16pm | Report
Game 4

Well, this was, interesting, to say the least.

What went well this game

Talon and vision control. That's about it. I mean, later on Jhin started carrying some of his weight, but Udyr and Xin Zhao were both pretty bad most of the game. I guess they were excellent splitpushers, and they definitely helped pull the enemy team to them for some mega splitpushing, but other than that ... *shrug*

On the plus side, it seemed like my whole team was really good about warding, although I felt a little overworked trying to get rid of their wards and battle two sweepers. We had some awesome picks, when we bothered to group up that is.

Jhin and I also had an awesome double kill on bot lane, but that ended up sort of canceling out.

Late game, we finally got our act together and destroyed all inhibs, baroned, and rolled through to victory.

What went poorly/I need to work on

Early game was awful. Despite that double kill that Jhin had early on, we still only sort of won lane. He decided to AFK at the worst spot possible - right in range to be hit by autos and spells without being protected by the turret. He was back quickly, but he was down in CS and experience by that point. Also, Pantheon ulted bottom and managed to get 3 kills, so that didn't help.

I don't know, I guess I kind of roamed early? Nothing much happened early game, and it turns out trying to outpoke a Vel'Koz/ Tristana combo is not a good idea as Janna. I sort of need to work on that, but honestly, Jhin was too focused on farming to help much with trading. Speaking of which, this Jhin was another ADC that didn't seem to know the concept of freezing. I get that he was against a Tristana, but he basically perma-pushed.

Mid game was horrible. I roamed and helped where I could, and Talon worked with me really well. Meanwhile, Udyr and Xin Zhao decided that splitpushing and chasing too far into the enemy jungle was a great idea, and so we had a lot of throws and deaths. Jhin sort of did his thing, farming up to his late game.

Random Thoughts

I've never supported a Jhin before. I can't say it was a pleasant experience. Maybe this Jhin wasn't great, but his poke potenial, while significant, requires some timing to pull off correctly. He is also just so damn slow. I mean, I can protect an ADC (or whoever I choose to protect) like no tomorrow, but his attack speed is so low, that he just couldn't DPS through their team. My suspicion is that this Jhin player just wasn't good.

Xin Zhao went full damage. I don't know if that's a thing now, but that seems like a terrible idea. Also, Udyr looks tanky. Where those items came from, I'm not sure, because he spent half the game on just Trinity Force. Having no front line sucked. Although we had some decent picks, there was a long period where we simply couldn't teamfight - we just got blown up.

After having built Zeke's Harbinger, I can safely say I'll never build that item again. I know it got nerfed recently, although I don't know how, but it is awful. I think I procc'ed it correctly once this entire game, and it wasn't even during a teamfight. Losing stacks upon hitting something really sucks for peeling supports, because I'll throw out spells for CC and never keep any stacks. I don't know what item I'll build instead for armor, maybe Frozen Heart, or Randuin's Omen.

Also, Exhaust. I don't know why people go Ignite on supports (I've done it, and it's worked pretty well before), since after playing two games in a row with Exhaust, it seems superior in every way. Maybe Ignite is strong for early game snowballing, but Exhaust has saved so many teammates, it is ridiculous.

Ancient Coin vs. Spellthief's Edge on Janna. I'm not sure which is better. Both of them build into pretty awesome items, but I am not sure which of the fully upgraded items is more useful. Talisman of Ascension is pretty good for engages, and even for disengages. It also syngerises extremely well with Janna's movement speed based kit. Frost Queen's Claim, on the other hand, is awesome for picks, engages, and disengages. While Talisman of Ascension is good, Frost Queen's Claim is excellent. It helps prevent enemies from chasing, escaping, or even kiting. I feel like Frost Queen's Claim is more idiot-proof. Talisman of Ascension requires some team coordination or people to remember moving. Frost Queen's Claim just adds to your overall CC. The only problem is that Spellthief's Edge is not as well suited to Janna's playstyle early, while Ancient Coin is.


Note on the video - there is a portion about 4 minutes long that is muted. I was listening to a song that YouTube flagged was copyrighted. That happens with all these videos, but usually they just monetize the video or block it in Germany only or something. This time, they decided to mute the whole video. So, I edited the video and cut out the audio of the part with that particular song. My apologies.

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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2016 7:28pm | Report
Game 5

This game went pretty smoothly. Rek'Sai didn't do much, but everyone else was amazing.

What went well this game

We were very good at grouping throughout this game. Zed and Lucian were excellent carries, and they were able to pick people off and get to safety due to our team's support. Our vision control was pretty good, we had most of their jungle warded from mid game on.

These last few games, I've experimented with deeper warding and counter-warding. I don't know if it's just something I never noticed, or the meta has changed, but it has made a vast improvement in my vision control for the team. So, that's good.

Honestly, this game was just so smooth, there isn't really one defining moment to highlight. I would basically be describing the whole game in this section. Apparently, Lucian was lagging, although it didn't seem like it to me.

What went poorly/I need to work on

Our laning phase could have gone better. We had a good start, but then a failed attempt at diving sort of made it even again. Poor Rek'Sai, after dying twice early bot lane, she never really recovered. I vastly underestimated Trundle's damage potential. Combined with several well-timed ults from Shen, our lane was mediocre at best.

There were several times when we got greedy and overstayed. Fortunately, they were few and far between, and our team was well-suited to escapes. I think we were a bit overconfident at some points, but it worked well for the most part.

Honestly, I think I need to work on my timing a bit. I have noticed that I've been holding onto my Exhaust too long. This game I actually went a bit early, but I did have some better timing. However, sometimes I Wild Growthed the wrong person or Whimsyed the wrong enemy. I think I'm so used to protecting my carries that I tend to overlook the plays that can be made. I still end up making plays usually, and if my carry does their job correctly, it works exceptionally well. However, it would probably be a good idea to use Wild Growth on the front line to engage (as Lulu) or Flash --> Monsoon to break apart an enemy team (as Janna). I think I used to do that sort of thing, but I haven't been recently. So, that's another thing to work on - be more aggressive sometimes, not just peeling for the carry. It should be a choice, not a habit.


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Predacon's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2016 7:37pm | Report
I really like your format of how you go over games.

Humble Riven Main
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2016 8:49pm | Report
Thanks! I try to make it somewhat entertaining and informative for others, but its main use is helping me figure out how to improve my gameplay. I just make notes of what went well and try to keep doing that, while also trying to fix whatever I noticed went poorly.

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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2016 11:25am | Report
Game 6

Oh boy, what an awful game. First loss of placements.

What went well this game

Not a whole lot. Just about nothing, really.

What went poorly/I need to work on

Vi did an early gank mid and gave Brand double buffs. It all went downhill from there. Nautilus had a good Teleport gank bottom, and Master Yi pushed the hell out of mid lane. It was probably all of 5-6 minutes in and we had lost 2 towers. Fizz was unhappy about his lane situation, but eventually turned around and focused on the game. Sion and Vi got into a huge fight and that was the end of it. We had no control of anything, our CC was uncoordinated, and we just got wrecked.

Don't pick champions just because it's considered strong. I have no experience with Tahm Kench, so my first mistake was picking that. It's been a while since I've played a melee tank support, and I've never played Tahm Kench before.

I think rushing Eye of the Equinox was a mistake. I didn't need it right away, and that extra bit of gold delayed everything else. Not that it mattered much.


Even better, too much copyrighted music. I could edit it, but it would be like 5 minutes of sound anyway. I apologize for this, it's really rather annoying how some songs do this.

Game 7

Note to self: Don't play games after midnight on school nights. It doesn't work well.

What went well this game

Early game, Lucian and I did really well. We worked together early on and Lee Sin came down to pick up dragon with us.

After that, it went downhill.

What went poorly/I need to work on

Lee Sin and Brand got caught several times; and Udyr and Malzahar just snowballed. Darius was unable to pick up a kill after laning to save his life, and Udyr was unstoppable. Literally, the whole team would focus on him, but he just ran in and killed people then got away safely.

I think I was just so tired that I played terribly. My gameplay deteriorates drastically when I'm not focused enough. It was just a massively uncoordinated team.


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