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It would be something like Greaves, Nashors, Kraken, Shieldbow, Bloodthirster and Terminus, You could put Blade of the Ruined King instead of Nashor, but really you do more with AP :P
Porofessor (op.gg) build suggests quite different build for PTA - it's PTA + Resolve and items like Nashor>Liandry>SE. What do you think about that?
It's also based on what the community does more of. If everyone started playing Grasp again, most runes would be showing as Grasp, hence, why I say Fleet is okay for survival but notice how no website recommend it outright?
So, I understand that there are a lot of folks out there, like Manc0, who at one point claimed that it was the best build ever to play on-hit for Teemo. But if you sit down and perform the math, the explanation becomes clear. In the game's current condition, itemization, survivability, and so on.
Guinsoo's Rageblade is a bad item because, well, think about it. When was the last time you battled a skilled opponent and hit them 7-9 times BEFORE they could stun, lockdown, or one-shot you? The playstyle and build is ridiculously squishy and provides nothing for defense or proper AP scaling.
I don't want to go into too much detail, as I usually do, because I'm not all that interested in typing up a 2 hour page on it all, let me put it this way. Guinsoo's had a 55% WR before the changes back in 13.9? It dropped immediately to 46% and have NEVER seen itself go above 50% since. Riftmaker on-hit, is ALWAYS a 54-55% WR in a massive number of games.
Do you want a 55% WR with more than 100k games played or a 47-49% WR with 20-30k games played? It has less to do with itemization and more to do with your ability to play the physical game. This is why high-rank players can make things work, but it is also necessary to understand itemization so that it supports you rather than hinder you.
Long Story short: Guinsoo offers nothing.
I changed to it when it was patched in for about a few weeks, it just didn't do anything for me because I like me my HP and Mana restore on kill.
Sustain <- is better. Especially when playing aggressive like onhit.
I can see it as a good passive build, but not for on-hit.