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Need help in finding alternative role as...

Creator: WanPass June 6, 2016 10:40am
WanPass's Forum Avatar
May 27th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 10:40am | Report
Hi mobafire Community.

I pretty new to mobafire and just a average player in Lol. I'm need some tips in what alternative role I should take as a Cassiopeia main.. Recently, there're lots of player who want mid, so I usually can't get the role I want, especially in Solo queue.

That the problems as I play Cassiopeia over a year now, I can't seem to play other champions very well. Cassiopeia is a mid only champions, so, if I were forced to play other roles, I would die so many times that it frustrate me a lot. If possible, I would like to hear some tips and helps about champs and roles that have similar mechanics to Cassiopeia.

I have googled it but can't find anything useful. I appreciate any help to solve this problem for me.

Here is my past achivement as Cass and other Champs



Best regards to mobafire community.
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 12:18pm | Report
You can take her Top Lane, she absolutely melts tanks if played well enough. You will need another tank on your team, though.
Penita13's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 12:36pm | Report
When taking a look at Cassiopeia herself, she's indeed a champion who fits best in the mid-lane. However, picking her in the top lane can be viable as well, it just depends on the enemy.

Having said that, I want to dive a bit deeper into alternatives for you. You seem to like Cassiopeia and know how to play her quite well. When doing a quick breakdown of her mechanics, she's a champion who can deal quite a lot of damage from early on, can farm very easily and has short cooldowns. When I list these three things, there's one champion that crosses my mind instantly: Annie. She's easy to learn, very bursty, has a build in stun and can farm very well due to her 'q'.
2 other options, though not as perfect, are Lissandra and Ryze. They can be played in both the mid and the top lane, have low cooldowns and can deal a lot of damage while still being rewlatively tanky. They are a bit more difficult to pick-up, but I think they will suit you well when you've taken the time to learn them.
That's the last point I want to make. If you really want a second main, you're going to have to devote a lot of time into it, just as much time as you've spent playing Cassio. It's going to take some time, so when it doesn't work out for you in the first few games, give it another shot. I'm sure you'll like them.

Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
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WanPass's Forum Avatar
May 27th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 3:24pm | Report
Thank you for the suggestion you guys. As Re4XN & Penita13 said, I have also known that Cassiopeia is viable in top lane . However, that would be left a team wide open to heavy CC and burst dmg, one mistake and the whole team will be gone in thin air.

Before playing out Cassiopeia, I have tried to main some other mage, tank, here is some problems I got:
- As a tank, I can't afford to buy dmg Items frist, this leave me almost no dmg to punish or stop people.
- Tank usually has CC that is easy to outplay (Damm Yasuo Wind wall & mobility ability on many champs such as Zed, Leblanc, Fizz, Ahri,... )
- Once the enemy has snowballed, fed (especially Assassin, ADC, Fighter) I can't win the game back as the dmg is too high to soaked and the enemy kill ADC, SP, mid too quick for me to save them.

+Mage I have tried
-Lux, Morgana: Very high dmg, but not constant. Have to depend on a slow speed, easy to doge & block Q. Need to get early advantage, look for any minor mistake to get a kill or you can't survive the late games as they fall off hard.

-Annie: My first main :). Can shutdown any outplay attempts. Scary AP scaling. But, the range is so small, and the enemy will abuse that A LOT. I literally cry when the enemy pick long range champs (Azir, Xerath, Brand, Syndra,....). If she can't get close, being poke down, she will feed the enemy hard.

-Malzahar: High dmg, ok range, extreme pushing, punish hard, no outplay for enemy. All is perfect expect for the QSS. Because of that, I can't make my own kill as they just use it and walk away or straight up kill me.

- Ryze: Need to precise in inputting spell as one mistake and the DPS will drop to zero. He also has laughable early games that if don't careful, he will get killed, camped easily and be no use for the rest of the games. Also, I can't seem to get many CS when playing Ryze.

+When looking for alternative role, I find myself enjoy if champions has:
- A healthy spell range, too small and the enemy abuse it, too big then the enemy can doge it easily as they either slow or have visible indicator.

- Have tools to deter and punish people for going all in carelessly.( For Cassiopeia, her R, follow up W,EE,Q,EEEEEE and a bit of help form team usually score a Ace.)

After looking up for a while, I do think Lissandra can suit my play style well. Q for harassment, W,R for punishing and E for escapes (something that Cassiopeia can't have). Maybe I will try her if I'm force to be Top..

One last thing, people said that Cassiopeia play very similar to a ADC, do you guys think that ADC is suitable for me? If so, what would I need to learn more beside mechanic what I have learnt in Cassiopeia?

Anyways, thanks you for the tips guys. I hope to hear replies soon.

Best regards to mobafire community.
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 7, 2016 6:59am | Report
You can try out Nautilus. He's not hard to play, is a pain in the butt to kill and deals AP damage (A LOT of damage for a a tank), mostly. You take him top lane and you're guaranteed to be a nuisance to the enemy team.
Penita13's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 7, 2016 8:13am | Report
I looked at all your suggestions again, and may have found another champion that can suit you very well: Vladimir. He has a lot of sustain (and I mean, a lot), is quite tanky, does a lot of damage with only a few items and will thus be able to build tanky and has a good anti-initiation with his Sanguine Pool.

If you want to consider playing ADC, the main thing you want to focus on is positioning. Yes, Cassiopeia is a carry and has to position herself accordingly as well. However, the difference is that an ADC can't defend himself. Cassiopeia has her R, but ADC's can't peel for themselves. Especially in teamfights, you're going to have to play really close to your support and behind your tanks.

Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
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WanPass's Forum Avatar
May 27th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 11:12pm | Report
I see, it's true that most ADC don't have peel and escape ability in their kit... I have tried ADC today, I can feel that positioning is lots more crucial because you have SP that often can CC you. I guess, I'll stick with Top lane as a alternative role.

I also tried all the suggestions you guys told me. I think that Vladimir is the most suitable for me.. He and Cassiopeia have lot of things in common. The difference is that you trade game changing Ultimate, huge DPS and DOT for reliable dmg, escape and being a tank mage. Guess I'll main him beside Cassiopeia.

Thanks for the suggestions you guys, I really appreciate for the help. I hope you guys play well in Lol.

Best regards to mobafire community.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2016 6:10am | Report
There are no other champions like Cassiopeia, she's a pretty unique champion. She would be most similar to ADC's I guess, at least mechanically, but they still feel pretty different. If you like Cass that much I would just suggest taking her top lane. Team comp will suffer but it's usually better to take something you're comfortable with at the expense of your team comp than trying to play champs you don't like/aren't good at just because it fits the situation.

Just play whatever champions you enjoy playing. If at the moment you just want to play Cass, do that.

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