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Rumble Build Guide by BlueArtist

AP Offtank Solo Top Rumble Guide: Scrapyard Barbecue

AP Offtank Solo Top Rumble Guide: Scrapyard Barbecue

Updated on January 30, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlueArtist Build Guide By BlueArtist 37 5 1,095,469 Views 43 Comments
37 5 1,095,469 Views 43 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BlueArtist Rumble Build Guide By BlueArtist Updated on January 30, 2017
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Vizzuh | April 8, 2017 8:15am
This is like a really! good! guide! I enjoy playing this build in ranked, helps to win more games and is really good for my team usually. Rumble is a fun champion and this build guide helped to both increase my fun and to make my experience better when playing this champ. All in all, thanks for making this guide! Great guide!
Go burn yourself | January 27, 2017 8:59am
I really like your build dude, thumbs up! But. I can't understand why Randuin is a good item to counter Riven since she's not a champion based on attack speed or critical damage. Why is Randuin a better choice instead of Dead's Man Plate or Sunfire Cape? They give you almost the same amount of armor and health, and the damage from sunfire can be more usefull than Randuin's passive.
BlueArtist (30) | January 30, 2017 9:04am

Seems I didn't update that section, looks outdated to me. It's actually quite unlikely that Rumble would want a tank item such as Randuin's now, as Void Staff is more useful in almost all cases. If it comes down to it though, Randuin's is not bought specifically for Riven but is instead bought to counter the enemy marksman, since you're gonna eat up most of the damage he deals being in the frontline. So it's definitely more useful than Sunfire/Dead Man's.
redartist | January 15, 2017 8:16am
Please don't leave the community, mobafire might be dead but the community would be a little worse without your contributions
redartist | January 15, 2017 8:13am
Hey! I like your guide, good job! Its one of the best guides I've seen on mobafire
SvenX23 | January 14, 2017 11:48am
The part about being ganked easily is true. Just got destroyed by a zac.
KTA_Unforgiven51 | January 13, 2017 11:45pm
Nice guide*
KTA_Unforgiven51 | January 13, 2017 11:45pm
Nice guy dude, i'm new to Rumble and this is a VERY good introduction and build to learn it. Good job
BlueArtist (30) | January 30, 2017 9:04am
Thanks! Feel free to ask away if you have anymore queries.
parrot6632 (12) | September 5, 2015 10:54am
hmmm... not too bad but i disagree with your skill order. you need to get all points in flamespitter ASAP. don't leave some for later make sure its maxed out by level 9
sirell (400) | April 28, 2014 3:47pm
Well, the first major problem before I do a review is that this guide is quite heavily out-dated, given the changes to runes and summoner spells in particular.

Just keep in mind that I've given a downvote to this guide in prior times, so my review will also be based on that. If it's not worth an upvote, the downvote will not be retracted.
Janitsu (569) | April 9, 2014 8:24am
List of things I disagree with:
EdisonKhoo (74) | April 2, 2014 2:40am
At the match ups chapter, one of the Warwick's ability you wrote hunter's call instead of Hunters Call, u might wanna fix that :3
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