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Singed Build Guide by DTSpud

Support [7.18] A Silver Guide to Support Singed

Support [7.18] A Silver Guide to Support Singed

Updated on September 17, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DTSpud Build Guide By DTSpud 18,840 Views 10 Comments
18,840 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DTSpud Singed Build Guide By DTSpud Updated on September 17, 2017
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XtheZ115 (1) | September 25, 2017 7:46pm
No Morellonomicon? Singed's engage is powerful, we all know that, and having the purple book tacks on Grievous Wounds to /the entire team/ provided your teammates follow you into the fray. Its no core item, but I feel like it's at least worth mentioning as an option for when your ADC is nice and fed thanks to you.
DTSpud | September 28, 2017 1:17pm
For the same reason that I would not recommend most other raw AP/damage items, Morellonomicon leaves you squishy and compromises your role as a tank. The grievous wounds itself isn't strong enough to justify the purchase (especially when Bramble Vest and Thornmail are viable alternatives) and if you just want damage Liandry's Torment is generally far more effective than Morellonomicon. Regardless, if you're already hyper fed or just messing around with your friends, there's certainly nothing wrong with trying it out.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to come by and write a comment. :^)
ArkierKnight (5) | September 17, 2017 12:54pm
That sounds pretty troll. I'll totally try it. Also, about bans and matchups, i'd go for Morgana, since she has 2 day root, and a shield that blocks abilities effects.
DTSpud | September 17, 2017 6:26pm
Personally, I almost never have any problems against Morgana, although that might just be a side effect of me playing vs. incompetent Morgana playerss. She is undoubtedly a tricky matchup with all her crowd control and the Black Shield which counters your Fling. However, from personal experience Singed is too mobile and can usually dodge her Dark Binding, as it's a slow moving and telegraphed projectile. Along with that, Morgana is very immobile, cannot stop you from engaging onto her team, and her Black Shield has a long cooldown and can be baited out since it only affects 1 champion. Regardless, Morgana is still fairly difficult to lane against and she is definitely good ban if you're having issues vs her, although I think that there are more valuable bans out there.

Anyways, if you do decide to try out Singed support be sure to tell me how it went. Thanks for your comment. :-P
ArkierKnight (5) | September 18, 2017 12:32pm
Tried it yesterday, had some flaming before the game but it went really well, it's really funny running around the enemies meanwhile the ADC deals all his damage, against the botlane, the jungler and a roaming mid,i gave my MF a Quadra, and dude, i couldn't stop laughing.
RareDrops (3) | September 16, 2017 7:33pm
Hello, I'd like to ask why you didn't add Smite for the summ spell for singed support it sure is a good summoner spell to support your jungler or just distrupting enemy jungle path! check this video :)
DTSpud | September 17, 2017 6:03pm
While I have mad respect for Adellaide Skyhart as a player, I personally don't think that Smite is a particularly valuable spell on Singed as a support (not a second jungler!)

Nevertheless, since you're already playing Singed as a support there's certainly nothing wrong with bringing Smite to last hit cannon minions or whatnot

Anyways, I appreciate the comment :-)
Arcthunder (9) | September 16, 2017 5:14pm
Why do people post guides if they aren't complete? It lowers the quality of the guide, honestly.
Foodking123 | September 16, 2017 2:42pm
Is this build basically the same build as a teemo build? arent they both similar since you want to go for damage over time...
DTSpud | September 16, 2017 3:13pm
While both Teemo and Singed utilize DoT effects fairly efficiently, for the most part you don't want to prioritize damage items on Singed support. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with Teemo it's much more efficient to go straight into itemizing damage (with possibly a bit of survivability mixed in) than it is building tank or utility.

As explained in the guide, Singed's role in a team is to engage and cause havoc within the enemy team's ranks. With that being said, the playstyle mentioned here isn't exactly similar to that of Teemo's. However, if you are looking for points of reference to compare support Singed to, Rakan and Alistar are a good champions to start with. (Although obviously each champion has their own unique kit and playstyle)

Either way, thanks for commenting :^)
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[7.18] A Silver Guide to Support Singed

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